CESNUR - center for studies on new religions
texts and docs



A&E History Channel and Weird Conspiracy Theories - Letter by J. Gordon Melton

Disney and A&E History Channel Asked Not to Spread Weird Conspiracy Theories

Traduzione italiana del rapporto dell’USCIRF “Il movimento anti-sette e la legislazione religiosa in Russia e nell’ex Unione Sovietica”

Roundtable “Mission of Religion in the Modern World: In the Search for Cooperation”– Saint Gregory the Theologian Charity Foundation, Moscow, December 17, 2018, speech by Massimo Introvigne

New Religions and Human Rights Geneva, December 10, 2018. Palais des Nations Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by Massimo Introvigne

CESNUR Welcomes a New Organization: The International Observatory of Religious Liberty of Refugees (ORLIR)

International Religious Freedom Day 2017
CESNUR’s Statement on Refugees Fleeing Religious Persecution

An Answer and an Open Letter about TED's Video on Cults

The Fear of the Occult in Politics by Massimo Introvigne (AAR, San Antonio, Texas, November 18, 2016).

Christians: A Persecuted Minority? - A lecture by Massimo Introvigne at Baylor University. Waco, Texas, November 16, 2016

Il presepe segno di contraddizione Massimo Introvigne (CESNUR, Torino) Congresso della Federazione Internazionale delle Associazioni Presepistiche Bergamo, 20 0ttobre 2016

Religious Liberty - Italian Observatory: Further Documentation

Religious Freedom in the West: Is the Glass Half Full and Getting Fuller, by James T. Richardson - A paper presented at the 2014 CESNUR conference in Waco, Texas

Introvigne: "In Nigeria stragi senze fine. L'Europa si muova" (Vatican Insider/La Stampa, 9 luglio 2012)

La carità senza preghiera scade nell'attivismo
Una recensione del rapporto "Credenze a proposito di Dio" del NORC/Università di Chicago
di Massimo Introvigne

Francia, i cristiani nel mirino, di Andrea Tornielli (La Stampa, 13 settembre 2011)

Confessions of a Reluctant Diplomat. My Mandate as OSCE Representative on Combating Religious Intolerance and Discrimination, by Massimo Introvigne - A paper presented at the 2011 International Conference in Danshui, Taiwan

Christian Martyrs, One Every Five Minutes: «A Reliable Estimate», by Massimo Introvigne
Cristiani uccisi nel mondo: uno ogni cinque minuti, di Massimo Introvigne
Chi ha paura dei cristiani uccisi, di Massimo Introvigne (La Bussola Quotidiana, 13 marzo 2012)

La lotta al crocefisso, un «Alzheimer storico», di Massimo Introvigne

Threats to religious freedom in the 21st century - A paper presented by Dr Massimo Introvigne, OSCE Representative on Combating Racism, Xenophobia, and Intolerance against Christians and Members of Other Religions at the joint Council of European Bishops' Conferences (CCEC) and Conference of European Churches (CEC) meeting, Beograd, February 18, 2011
Le minacce alla libertà religiosa nel XXI secolo, di Massimo Introvigne - Intervento all’incontro annuale del Comitato Congiunto della Conferenza delle Chiese Europee (Kek) e del Consiglio delle Conferenze Episcopali Europee (Ccee), Belgrado, 18 febbraio 2011

Le "sette" e i loro "ex", di Vittorio Messori

Facing the 'Dark Side' of Cults - Balance of FIFTEEN Years' Experience, by Raffaella Di Marzio - A paper presented at the 2010 International Conference, Torino, Italy, 9-11 September 2010

Social Responses From Religious Diversity and Pluralism Homeschooling Cases, by Irene Briones - A paper presented at the 2010 International Conference, Torino, Italy, 9-11 September 2010

On Europe, its Christian heritage and Multiculturalism, by Alessandro Iovino - A paper presented at the 2010 International Conference, Torino, Italy, 9-11 September 2010

OSCE High-level Conference on Tolerance and Non-Discrimination
Astana, Kazakhstan, June 29-30, 2010
Intolerance and discrimination against Christians
Introduction by Dr Massimo Introvigne – Summary
Conferenza diplomatica delll’OSCE (Organizzazione per la Sicurezza e la Cooperazione in Europa)
Astana, Kazakhstan, 29-30 giugno 2010
Massimo Introvigne, Intolleranza e discriminazione contro i cristiani
Relazione introduttiva  

From 'Cults' to Cultures: Bridges as a Case Study in a New Evangelical Paradigm on New Religions. by John W. Morehead - A paper presented at The 2009 CESNUR Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah

Issues of Religious Freedom Throughout the World - >Fifteen years and More: Religious Freedom before the European Court of Human Rights, by Alessandro Amicarelli - A paper presented at The 2009 CESNUR Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah

Com’era nera la Rivoluzione Francese. Una recensione di Le Livre noir de la Révolution française, di Massimo Introvigne
La Rivoluzione Francese non è più un tabù. Articoli da Il Domenicale del 10 gennaio 2009

Law Against Cults? An Interview with Michael D. LangoneLeggi anti-sette? Un’intervista a Michael D. Langone [from www.dimarzio.it]

Minority Religions and Law Enforcement: A Human Rights Perspective, by Alessandro Amicarelli - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK

The Rise and Fall of a Public Witch Hunt: Changing Media Attitudes to New Religious Movements Since 1988, by Suzanne Evans - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK

On Being Raised in and Leaving the Exclusive Brethren: Resonances in Adulthood, by Jill Mytton - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK

In memoriam: Johannes Aagaard (1928-2007)

Il caso Odifreddi: "Scienziati, cretini e cristiani liberi", di Massimo Introvigne (il Giornale, 2 marzo 2007)

The Autonomy of Religious Communities in the USA and Europe: a Human Rights Perspective, by Alessandro Amicarelli - A paper presented at the 2006 CESNUR International Conference in San Diego, California.

The Witch-hunt Continues - The Oppression of the Ecstatic Contemplative, by Jeffrey S. Brooks - A paper presented at the 2006 CESNUR International Conference in San Diego, California.

Religious Liberty in an Age of Religious Extremism, by Filip Spagnoli - A paper presented at the 2006 CESNUR International Conference in San Diego, California.

Le « sectisme», une nouvelle forme de racisme?, par Lorraine Derocher (Research Assistant, Sherbrooke University, Montréal)

Margaret Singer, Mother of Anti-Cult Brainwashing Theory, Dies in Berkeley

Herbert Rosedale, Senior American Anti-Cultist: In Memoriam

The Attempted Transformation of a Deviant Occupation into a Therapy: Deprogramming Seeks a New Identity, by Anson Shupe and Susan E. Darnell - A paper presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the SSSR/RRA, Norfolk, VA, October 2003.

Ultra-modern democracies and governing the self : Towards a new process of subjectivation ?, by Christine Costa, PARIS VIII University – France, “Sciences of education” department, Research group PAIDEIA (philosophy and education) - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2003 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania

Possible Reasons for Monotheistic Religious Intolerance, by Frederic Lamond, MA (Independent student of Comparative Religion) - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2003 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Fighting the three Cs: Cults, Comics, and Communists - The Critic of Popular Culture as Origin of Contemporary Anti-Cultism, by Massimo Introvigne - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2003 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania

Vice-President of FECRIS Attacks the Canonization of Opus Dei Founder

Violence et nouveaux mouvements religieux: quelles leçons pouvons-nous tirer? Analyse dans une perspective universitaire, par Jean-François Mayer (in French) - A paper presented at The 2002 CESNUR International Conference in Salt Lake City and Provo

Rapporto 2002 sulla libertà religiosa nel mondo a cura del segretariato italiano dell'Aiuto alla Chiesa che Soffre (ACS)

Getting Unsaved from the Sixties: Stephen Kent’s "From Slogans to Mantras", by Massimo Introvigne

Misunderstanding Scholars: A Review of, and a Footnote to, "Misunderstanding Cults", by Massimo Introvigne

Cambridge University Press Announces New Book: "Cults, Religion, and Violence"

"'There is no place for us to go but up': New religious movements and violence", by Massimo Introvigne.
A paper delivered in the first plenary session of the 26th Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (SISR), Ixtapan de la Sal (Mexico) August 21, 2001

"Agents of Discord: The North American-European Anticult Connection", by Anson Shupe and Susan E. Darnell - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London

"Watching for Violence: A Comparative Analysis of the Roles of Five Types of Cult-Watching Groups" by Eileen Barker (London School of Economics) - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London

"La libertà religiosa continua a essere in pericolo", di Marco Tosatti ("La Stampa", 2 luglio 2001)

"Violation de la liberté religieuse: la France au 6ème rang, la Chine en tête" (Agence France Presse, 28 juin 2001)

"Die Anti-Sekten-Bewegungen in den Vereinigten Staaten und Frankreich: Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede", Massimo Introvigne

"Freedom of Religion and Belief in the Christian/Western World", by Massimo Introvigne (CESNUR, Torino, Italy). Introductory lecture at the conference 'Towards a Secular Society' organised by the International Humanist and Ethical Union and the Norwegian Humanist Association, Oslo, May 4, 2001
"L'ateismo organizzato: protesta o religione?" (4 maggio 2001) - un reportage da Oslo di Massimo Introvigne, invitato ad aprire il congresso internazionale dei "liberi pensatori" organizzato dalla International Humanist and Ethical Union

"Evangelism, Boundary maintenance and Demonization: Some Strategies of a Christian Fundamentalist Anti-cult Organization", by Stephen Hunt - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London

CAN, We Hardly Knew Ye: Sex, Drugs, Deprogrammers’ Kickbacks, and Corporate Crime in the (old) Cult Awareness Network, by Anson Shupe and Susan E. Darnell
The full text of the paper presented at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion with 749 pages of photographic reproductions of documents of the old CAN: the largest collection of documents on American anti-cultism now available online
A Correspondence about “CAN, We Hardly Knew Ye”: Letters from Herb Rosedale, Anson D. Shupe and Massimo Introvigne

"From Parchment to Pixels: The Christian Countercult on the Internet", by Douglas E. Cowan (University of Missouri - Kansas City) - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London

"Children’s Right to Freedom of Religion in a Multi-Religious Society", by Anat Scolnicov - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London

Libertà religiosa: l'Aiuto alla Chiesa che Soffre denuncia la persecuzione dei cristiani nel mondo, l'"Inquisizione laicista" in Francia - una lunga intervista a "La Stampa" (15 marzo 2001)
Religious Liberty: Catholic "Aid to the Church in Need" exposes "worldwide persecution of Christians" and "secular humanist Inquisition" in France (March 15, 2001)

Anti-Cult Terrorism via the Internet Revisited: A Short Review of "Religion on the Internet: Research Prospects and Promises", edited by Jeffrey K. Hadden and Douglas E. Cowan - by PierLuigi Zoccatelli

In Memoriam Karen S. Lord 1967-2001, by T. Jeremy Gunn

Aiuto alla Chiesa che Soffre: Rapporto 2000 sulla libertà religiosa nel mondo

Cult War Dialogue: "Combatants in Cult War Attempt Reconciliation Peacemaking conference is held near Seattle" by Don Lattin ("The San Francisco Chronicle", Monday, May 1, 2000)

"Anti-Cult Terrorism": A Category Whose Time Has Come" (Review of Massimo Introvigne's article in "Terrorism and Political Violence" for Spring 2000) by PierLuigi Zoccatelli

"Children in New Religions": Seminal New Book Discusses the Precarious Balance between Freedom of Religion and the Best Interest of the Child

"So Many Evil Things": Anti-Cult Terrorism via the Internet " by Massimo Introvigne. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Sociology of Religion (ASR), Chicago, 5 August 1999.

The Great Anti-Cult Scare 1935-1945 - by Philip Jenkins, Penn State University (A paper presented at CESNUR 99 conference, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania)

Who is Afraid of Religious Minorities? The Social Construction of a Moral Panic - Opening remarks of Dr. Massimo Introvigne at CESNUR 98 conference in Torino, Italy (September 10, 1998)

Chi ha paura delle minoranze religiose? La costruzione sociale di un panico morale - Testo della relazione di apertura di Massimo Introvigne al convegno internazionale del CESNUR (Torino, 10 settembre 1998)

Blacklisting or Greenlisting? A European Perspective on the New Cult Wars - by Massimo Introvigne. An article published in Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions, vol. 1, no. 3, October 1998, 16-23, as part of an ongoing debate on ethical issues associated with scholarly research in the field of new religious movements

Des sectes: de la rumeur aux valeurs , par Liliane Voyé (communication au colloque CESNUR 98, mise à jour en mars 1999)


CESNUR's Special Page on Brainwashing Controversies: Scholarly Articles, Documents, Updates


Defectors, Ordinary Leavetakers and Apostates: A Quantitative Study of Ex-Members of New Acropolis in France. A paper presented by Massimo Introvigne at the 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion - San Francisco, 23 November 1997


Delegato della Santa Sede all'ONU: No alle "forme sottili di intolleranza religiosa" – United Nations: The Vatican Criticizes "Subtle Forms of Religious Intolerance" Text (English, Italiano) – Commento di Andrea Menegotto


Usa, cinque religioni contro le nozze gay, di Massimo Introvigne (La nuova Bussola Quotidiana, quotidiano online, 19 febbraio 2014)

Phil "l'omofobo" tiene duro. E gli chiedono scusa, di Massimo Introvigne (La nuova Bussola Quotidiana, quotidiano online, 22 gennaio 2014)

Matrimoni gay, se i giudici rieducano il popolo, di Massimo Introvigne (La nuova Bussola Quotidiana, quotidiano online, 23 dicembre 2013)

Sei contro il matrimonio gay? Licenziato dalla Fox, di Massimo Introvigne (La nuova Bussola Quotidiana, quotidiano online, 23 ottobre 2013)

Exodus International la vera storia della sua fine, di Massimo Introvigne (La nuova Bussola Quotidiana, quotidiano online, 6 settembre 2013)

Usa, la rieducazione degli psicologi "omofobi", di Massimo Introvigne (La nuova Bussola Quotidiana, quotidiano online, 1 settembre 2013)

Usa, obbligo di fotografare un matrimonio lesbico, di Massimo Introvigne (La nuova Bussola Quotidiana, quotidiano online, 29 agosto 2013)

«Love is love» Ma non è così, di Massimo Introvigne (La nuova Bussola Quotidiana, quotidiano online, 28 giugno 2013)

"Non è l'economia, stupido". Religione, valori ed elezioni americane, di Massimo Introvigne 

Religion or Sedition?:The Domestic Terrorism Trial of the Hutaree, a Michigan-based Christian Militia, by Susan J. Palmer - A paper presented at The 2012 International Conference, El Jadida, Morocco, 20-22 September 2012

USA, i vescovi per la libertà religiosa, di Massimo Introvigne (La Bussola Quotidiana, 5 ottobre 2011)

New Religious Currents in America: A Case Study in the Southeast, by Benjamin E. Zeller - A paper presented at the 2011 International Conference in Danshui, Taiwan

Matrimonio gay. Dagli elettori del Maine uno schiaffo ai giudici, di Massimo Introvigne

La debolezza della ragione. Il discorso del presidente Obama al Cairo, di Massimo Introvigne

La vittoria di Obama, i diritti civili e la religione, di Massimo Introvigne

Huckabee, il colpo di coda del pastore, di Massimo Introvigne (il Giornale, 8 febbraio 2008)

Gran Bretagna e Usa difendono il Natale per legge, di Massimo Introvigne (il Giornale, 22 dicembre 2007)

U.S. Department of State releases International Religious Freedom Report for 2005 (November 8, 2005)

Rehnquist. Il grande conservatore, di Massimo Introvigne (L'Indipendente, 7 settembre 2005)

"Il Dio dell'America"  - Intervista a J. Gordon Melton, di Emanuele Rebuffini (Avvenire, 2 marzo 2005)

Nanotecnologia, morale e religione: "Bush prepara la terza rivoluzione industriale", di Massimo Introvigne (il Giornale, 1 febbraio 2005)
G. Bushas rengia treciaja industrine revoliucija (Lithuanian)

La discriminazione anti-cattolica su "The Passion", di Massimo Introvigne (il Giornale, 28 gennaio 2005)

Laicità dello stato made in USA, di Marco Respinti (Il Foglio, 17 dicembre 2004) - file pdf

U.S. Department of State releases International Religious Freedom Report for 2004 (September 15, 2004)

Sorpresa in America i musulmani votano «il nemico» Bush, di Massimo Introvigne (il Giornale, 12 luglio 2004)

Cults, Porn and Hate: Convergent Discourses on First Amendment Restriction, by Dick Anthony and Thomas Robbins

U.S. Department of State releases International Religious Freedom Report for 2003 (December 18, 2003)

La guerra, gli evangelical e Laura Bush: "Nostra Signora della Casa Bianca" - intervista a Massimo Introvigne, di Aldo Cazzullo ("La Stampa", 20.4.2003)

John Rawls (1921-2002): A Short Obituary

U.S. Department of State releases International Religious Freedom Report for 2002 (October 7, 2002) - Concern about France, Russia continues

USA: Landmark Decision in a União do Vegetal Case - Stati Uniti: Importante Sentenza in un caso relativo all'União do Vegetal. See full text of the decision (pdf version). Vedi una scheda sull'União do Vegetal (in italiano)

Reflections on Louisville: The Christian Countercult in Conversation, by Douglas E. Cowan (Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Sociology, University of Missouri-Kansas City) - A paper presented at CESNUR 2002, Salt Lake City and Provo.

U.S. State Department Releases 2001 Religious Freedom Report - Says in France "new legislation has the potential to restrict religious freedom" - See full text of the report; and session on France

"In the Aftermath of the Unthinkable: Responses to the Loss of Constitutional Protection for Religious Pluralism in the United States", by David T. Ball (Denison University, USA). A paper presented at the CESNUR and INFORM 2001 conference in London on the spiritual supermarket

State Department Releases Annual Human Rights Report, Accuses France of "intolerance and bias against minority religions" (February 26, 2001). See full text of the report - see section on France

U.S. Department of State: 2000 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom

Cost of an Anti-Cult Affidavit by Stephen Kent: $ 11,000

Preliminary Injunction Granted Against Anti-Mormons Jerald and Sandra Tanner: Mere Linking to Objectionable Site Amount to Infringement - December 6, 1999

Report of Robert A. Seiple (U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom) at the Hearing on the First Annual Department of State Report on International Religious Freedom - House Committee on International Relations, Washington, DC, October 6, 1999

"U.S. Department of State Annual Report on International Religious Freedom for 1999" (September 9, 1999) - Offers Comprehensive Worldwide Coverage, denounces "an atmosphere of intolerance and bias against minority religions" in France

Full Text of the FBI Report "Project Megiddo"

FBI and Project Megiddo: Updates
FBI evaluates millennial threats

"U.S. Department of State Annual Report on International Religious Freedom for 1999" (September 9, 1999) - Offers Comprehensive Worldwide Coverage, denounces "an atmosphere of intolerance and bias against minority religions" in France

The controversial Report of the Maryland Commission on Cults on Campuses - See also "Testimony" by James T. Richardson before the same Commission, and a complete coverage of the Maryland Commission activities and a comment by Jeffrey K. Hadden (University of Virginia).

The Crisis of the U.S. Anti-Cult Movement: CAN Loses its Appeal in San Francisco - Full Text of the Decision (April 8, 1998)

CAN Decision of July 30, 1998 - Full text of the decision by by the U.S. Court of Appeal for the Seventh Circuit confirming that the "old" Cult Awareness Network cannot recover its name.

CAN Legal Saga Continues - A comment to the decision of July 30, 1998 by the U.S. Court of Appeal for the Seventh Circuit confirming that the "old" Cult Awareness Network cannot recover its name.

Another Legal Blow Against the "Old" Cult Awareness Network (CAN): US Supreme Court Rejects Appeal (March 22, 1999)

Strange Wars: Evangelical Counter-Cultists vs "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"- by Massimo Introvigne

Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa! - J. Gordon Melton answers a critical Skeptic magazine article

La Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti cancella il Religious Freedom Restoration Act (25 giugno 1997)


A NOT SO CHARITABLE CHOICE: NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS AND PRESIDENT BUSH'S PLAN FOR FAITH-BASED SOCIAL SERVICES, by Derek H. Davis (J. M. Dawson Institute for Church-State Studies) - A paper presented at The 2002 CESNUR International Conference in Salt Lake City.

Journal for the Scientific Studies of Religion Publishes Symposium on Brainwashing and Anti-Cultism in Europe

"Il fantasma della libertà. Le controversie sulle «sette» e i nuovi movimenti religiosi in Europa" di Massimo Introvigne - Testo della lezione tenuta il 14-1-1997 all’Università di Torino per la chiusura del corso semestrale di Sociologia delle Religioni della facoltà di Scienze Politiche

Religious Liberty: The Legal Framework in Selected OSCE Countries (May 2000) - A Study by the Law Library of Congress prepared on behalf of the Helsinki Commission Unveiled on July 19, 2000
Full text and Appendices (PDF Format)

Religious Freedom in Western Europe: Religious Minorities and Growing Government Intolerance - Report (released January 2000) of the June 8 1999 Washington hearing of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (download PDF file)

U.S. House International Relations Committee Helds Full Committee Hearing on "The Treatment of Religious Minorities in Western Europe" - France, Belgium, Germany, Austria under Scrutiny - Texts of introduction by Rep. Benjamin A. Gilman, report by T. Jeremy Gunn, depositions and statements by witnesses Ambassador Robert A. Seiple, Philip Brumley (General Counsel, Jehovah's Witnesses), Robert Hunt (United Methodist Church, Vienna), Craig Jensen and Chick Corea (Scientologists) [depositions of other witnesses are not currently available]

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe - 1999 OSCE Review Conference (Vienna, September 23, 1999): Statements on Freedom of Religion by the United States and by the European Union

Le fantôme de la liberté. Les controverses sur les "sectes" et les nouveaux mouvements religieux en Europe. Cette brochure présente une leçon publique donnée par Massimo Introvigne à l'Université de Turin, où il avait été invité à l'occasion de la fin du cours de Sociologie des Religions 1996-1997. Il y aborde les menaces pesant sur la liberté religieuse en Europe et la question des "sectes". Si une minorité de mouvements religieux présente des dangers bien réels, les généralisations et les amalgames, ainsi que l'utilisation de théories pseudo-scientifiques comme celles du lavage de cerveau ou de la déstabilisation mentale, risquent de réduire la liberté religieuse à un simple fantôme

"Freedom of Thought, Conscience, Religion or Belief" -The US Position on Continuing Religious Intolerance in Europe: The US Delegation's intervention in Warsaw, Poland on October 27, 1998 at the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) Implementation Review Meeting

"Libertà di pensiero, di coscienza, di religione o di credenza" - La posizione degli Stati Uniti sull'intolleranza religiosa in Europa. Testo dell’intervento della delegazione degli Stati Uniti all’Incontro per la revisione dell’applicazione degli accordi OSCE (Organizzazione per la Sicurezza e la Cooperazione in Europa) - Varsavia, 27 ottobre 1998

"Liberté de pensée, de conscience, de religion ou de croyance" - La position des Etats-Unis sur l'intolérance religieuse en Europe. Intervention de la Délégation des Etats-Unis à la Réunion d'évaluation d'application des accords de l'OSCE (Organisation pour la Sécurité et la Coopération en Europe) à Varsovie -27 octobre 1998

Religious Liberty in Western Europe.CESNUR's 1997 report from the press conference held on December 1, 1997 in Washington DC

Religion is a right - It has to be fought for. Text of the (now quite famous) Christmas editorial of London's The Guardian - Exposes "hysterical" anti-cult "panic" in "Francophone Europe" and elsewhere. La religione è un diritto - per cui si deve lottare. Traduzione dell'editoriale di Natale del quotidiano londineseThe Guardian - Deplora il "panico isterico" anti-sette nell'"Europa francofona" e altrove

OSCE (Organization for the Security and Co-operation in Europe) - Supplementary Meeting on Freedom of Religion, Vienna March 22, 1999: Text of the Speech of Dr Massimo Introvigne Misinformation, Religious Minorities and Religious Pluralism - In italiano: Testo della relazione introduttiva di Massimo Introvigne Disinformazione, minoranze religiose e pluralismo religioso - En français: Réunion OSCE de Vienne: la France dans le box des accusés - Réaction hystérique du secrétaire général de la Mission Interministérielle de Lutte contre les Sectes - In English: France Severely Criticized at Vienna OSCE Meeting - Hysterical Reaction by the General Secretary of the French Anti-Cult Mission

European Conference on Sectarianism in Paris (23-24 April 1999): An Unsuccessful Affair (CESNUR Report, in English) - Texte complet du Discours d'ouverture de M. Alain Vivien (en français)

Freedom of Religion in Europe - Paper read by Dr Massimo Introvigne at the Conference and Panel Discussion "Religion - Society - Legislation" organized at the Hungarian Houses of Parliament by the Hungarian National Assembly, Commission on Human Rights Minorities and Religion - Budapest, 27 April 1999

Religious Liberty in Western Europe: The Washington Briefing- Text of Dr Introvigne's Report to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (the Helsinki Commission) and the House International Relations Committee - Washington DC July 30, 1998 (a consolidation of different CESNUR texts available in this Web site)

Dr Introvigne Testifies at House Briefing in Washington. An account of Dr Introvigne's testimony at a briefing organized by the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (the Helsinki Commission) and the House International Relations Committee in Washington DC on July 30, 1998


La sentenza Eweida della Corte Europea: sì alle croci al collo, no all'obiezione di coscienza, di Massimo Introvigne (La nuova Bussola Quotidiana, quotidiano online, 16 gennaio 2013)

Strasburgo, una sentenza pericolosa su preti e sindacati, di Massimo Introvigne (La Bussola Quotidiana, 24 febbraio 2012)

Council of Europe Report on Sects and Cults - 22 June 1999. Text of this "compromise" document, adopted after a long discussion. Version française.


European Parliament Draft Resolution on Cults. Text approved by the Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs ("Berger report"), submitted to - but not voted by - the Plenary in July 1998


L’Europa e il crocefisso, la cristianofobia al potere, di Massimo Introvigne


The European Union Enlargement: Human Rights Perspective, by Alessandro AMICARELLI - A paper presented at The 2007 International Conference in Bordeaux, France

"Religion in the Post-Communist Epoch", by Maria Marczewska-Rytko (UMCS Lublin Poland) - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London

"The Familiarity of New Religious Movements in Central-Eastern Europe", by Peter Torok (University of Toronto) - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London


Freedom of Religion or Belief in the OSCE: challenges to law after September 11th, by Eugenia Relaño Pastor, Universidad Complutense (Spain) - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2004 Conference, Waco, Texas



























































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