CESNUR - center for studies on new religions

The New Belarusian Law on Religion 

Introduction: "Belarus' repressive new religion law entered into legal force on Saturday 16 November. From then, all unregistered religious activity became illegal; all communities with fewer than 20 members became illegal; any religious activity in private homes - apart from occasional, small scale meetings - are illegal; religious communities that do not have a registered umbrella body are no longer able to invite foreign citizens for religious work; and all religious literature is subject to compulsory prior censorship. In addition, all religious organisations should be compulsorily re-registered within two years. Evidence is already mounting that the new law is beginning to restrict religious activity. The authorities have already used "public opinion" &Mac246; often stirred up by local Orthodox priests - to prevent non-Orthodox religious communities gaining registration or receiving building permission.

In a last-ditch protest against the law, two people - among them a Catholic, Igor Zakrevsky from the town of Borisov, staged a demonstration on Independence Square in Minsk on 8 November. They were detained by police." (Adapted from comments by the Keston Institute, www.keston.org).

Unofficial Translation (with many thanks to Prof. W. Cole Durham of BYU International Center for Law and Religion Studies, who supplied us with this document)

Introduced by the Council of Ministers
Republic of Belarus


Law of the Republic of Belarus

On the introduction of changes and amendments to the Law of the Republic of Belarus “ On religious freedom and religious organizations”

Passed by the Chamber of Representatives
Approved by the Council of the Republic


Article 1. To introduce in to the Law of the Republic of Belarus of 17 December 1992 “ On Religious Freedom and Religious Organizations” ( Bulletin of the Supreme council of Belarus, 1993, # 2, art. 18; 1995, # 3, art. 125; National Register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 1999, # 95, 2/102) the following changes and amendments stating it in a new edition:

Law of the Republic of Belarus On Religious Freedom and Religious Organizations

This law regulates legal relations in the sphere of rights of an individual and citizen to the freedom of conscience and religious freedom as well as determines legal basis of creation and activities of religious organizations.


Chapter 1
General Provisions 

Article 1. Aims of this Law


Aims of this law are ensuring and guaranteeing the right of everybody to freedom of conscience and religious freedom, to social justice, equality, defense of rights and interests irrespective of one’s attitude to religion and religious membership, to freedom of religious associations.

Article 2. Legislation of the Republic of Belarus on Freedom of Conscience, Religious Freedom and Religious Organizations


The legislation of the Republic of Belarus on freedom of conscience, religious freedom and religious organizations consists of the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, this law and other normative acts of the Republic of Belarus issued in accordance with the Constitution and this law.

Article 3. Main Terms and Concepts Used in this Law

The main terms and concepts used in this law:

Religion – world outlook and attitude as well as corresponding to them behavior and specific actions ( cult) based on belief in superhuman powers;

Creed – religious dogma ( confessions, denomination) with its own system of conviction and religious practice;

Public worship – accomplishment of devotions, rituals and ceremonies by priests;

Devotions – totality of actions determined by the dogma, in which religious beliefs are incarnated;

Religious rituals and ceremonies – the procedure for accomplishment of ritual actions determined by the dogma;

Religious cult -- the main kind of religious activities, contained specific behavior and actions, which express religious worship to superhuman powers;

Religious property – goods, other material objects ( buildings, church plates, etc.) necessary for accomplishment of devotions, religious rituals and ceremonies;

Priest – an individual who has holy orders;

Pilgrimage – wandering of believers to worship to places and things respected in a certain creed;

Religious activities – activities conducted with the purpose of satisfying the requirements of believers, dissemination of religions, religious education, accomplishment of public worship, preaching, education of priests, as well as other activities conducted with the purpose of organizational and material ensuring of the religious practice of a religious organization ( publication and distribution of religious literature, manufacturing and distribution of devotional articles, manufacturing vestments for priests and other similar activities);

Secular character of education and upbringing – system of education and upbringing, which excludes influence of religion and religious organizations in educational institutions of all types, dormitories, infant schools, sanitary camps;

Citizens – citizens of the Republic of Belarus as well as foreign citizens and individuals without a citizenship who constantly live of the territory of the Republic of Belarus, if not stipulated otherwise.

Article 4. Right to the Freedom of Conscience

Everyone has the right to free choice of atheistic or religious convictions, namely, to determine irrespectevly the attitude towards religion, to practice any religion solely or together with others or to practice none religion.

Article 5. Right to the Religious Freedom

Everyone has the right freely to choose, have, change, express and spread religious convictions and act in accordance with them, take part in performing religious cults, rituals, devotions not prohibited by law.

Nobody is obliged to state about his/her attitude towards religion and can be subjected to any compulsion while determining the attitude towards religion, practicing one or another religion, participation or not participation in activities of religious organizations.

Parents or surrogate parents, by mutual agreement, have the right to bring up their children in accordance with their own attitude towards religion. The Government can’t interfere in upbringing a child, which is based on a certain religious world outlook of parents or surrogate parents apart from cases when inducement to religious actions threatens directly life and health of the child and violates the child’s legal rights.

Article 6. Equality of religions

Religions and creeds are equal to the Law.

Relations between the state and religious organizations are regulated by the law taking into consideration their influence upon forming of spiritual, cultural and state traditions of the Belarusian people.

Ideology of religious organizations can’t be determined as obligatory for citizens.

Article 7. Equality of citizens.

Citizens are equal to the law irrespectively to their attitude towards religion.

A citizen is not obliged to state about his/her attitude towards religion in official documents unless he/she wishes it himself/herself.

Prevention from exercising rights to freedom of conscience and religious freedom, privileges or restrictions of rights of citizens depending on their attitude towards religion are not allowed and prosecuted at law.

Nobody has the right to avoid duties prescribed by law because of his/her religious convictions.

Article 8. State and Religion

The state neither charges religious organizations with any state functions nor interferes in activities of religious organizations unless such activities contradict the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

The state doesn’t finance activities of religious organizations.

Religious organizations are entitled to participate in the social life as well as use the state mass media means as provided by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Religious organizations neither participate in activities of political parties and other public associations pursuing political ends nor render financial or other support to them.

Use of the state symbolism, holding of meetings, rallies, electoral campaign and other events of political nature either appearances in public and calls insulting representatives of the state authorities, officials and individuals are not allowed at the places of public worship.

The state shall promote establishment of tolerant and respectful relations between citizens practicing and not practicing religion, religious organizations of different confessions.

Article 9. Education and Religion.

The state system of education and upbringing in the Republic of Belarus is of a secular nature and doesn’t pursue a purpose of forming any attitude towards religion.

Citizens have the right to equal access to the national system of education irrespectively to their attitude towards religion.

Religious organizations registered in the order established by this law are entitled to create in compliance with their statutes groups and Sunday schools for religious education of children and adults and to use for this purpose premises that belong to them and are given to them except premises that belong to the state educational institutions.

Article 10. State governance body on religious affairs

The Republican body of State governance on religious affairs is formed by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The Republican body of State governance on religious affairs exercises control over implementation of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on freedom of conscience, religious freedom and religious organizations, considers and solves issues in the sphere of relations between the state and religious organizations.

Article 11. Authorities of State governance body on religious affairs

The Republican body of State governance on religious affairs has the following authorities:

prepares proposals on settling of issues that are concerned with activities of religious organizations and demanding a decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus or the council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus;

provides the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus with analytical information on the issue of relations between the state and religious organizations;

checks and controls activities of religious organizations regarding implementation of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on freedom of conscience, religious freedom and religious organizations as well as their statutes and issues obligatory prescriptions for them to eliminate the revealed offences;

participates in consideration of issues concerned with observance of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on freedom of conscience, religious freedom and religious organizations by governmental bodies;

has contacts with state bodies of other states, which have similar functions;

receives from governmental bodies, local executive and administrative bodies information on observance of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on freedom of conscience, religious freedom and religious organizations;

keeps the State register of religious organizations;

renders assistance upon the request of religious organizations in reaching agreements between them and state bodies and contributes to strengthening understanding and tolerance between religious organizations of different confessions;

provides local executive and administrative bodies with methodical recommendations and consultations on the issues of implementation and application of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on freedom of conscience, religious freedom and religious organizations;

settles the state religious expert examination in cases determined by this law;

creates the experts council for conducting the state religious expert examination with participation of proper experts and engaging, if necessary, representatives of religious organizations;

addresses to court with a claim on liquidation of a religious organization ( for religious organizations registered by State governance body on religious affairs);

conducts state registration of religious associations, cloisters and monastic communities, congregations, charitable religious missions and societies, religious schools;

on demands of governmental bodies, local executive and administrative bodies, other juridical persons makes conclusions on kinds and forms of religious activities.

Article 12. State Register of Religious Organizations

The republican State governance body on religious affairs keeps the State register of religious organizations.

Oblast and the Minsk city executive committees keep registers of religious organizations. Information included in registers of religious organizations is to be delivered by oblast and the Minsk city executive committees to the republican State governance body on religious affairs within 10 days.

Specification of information to be included into the State register of religious organizations is determined by the republican State governance body on religious affairs.



Chapter 2
Religious Organizations in the Republic of Belarus

 Article 13. Religious Organizations in the Republic of Belarus

Voluntary associations of citizens of the Republic of Belarus ( religious communities) or of religious communities ( religious associations) united on basis of commonness of their interests for the purpose of satisfying their religious needs as well as cloisters, monastic communities, congregations, religious missions and societies, religious schools are recognized as religious organizations in the Republic of Belarus.

Religious organizations have the following features:



religious education and upbringing followers.

Only a citizen of the Republic of Belarus can be a head of the religious organization.

Article 14. Religious Communities

A religious community is joining up of a group of citizens of the Republic of Belarus within the bonds of a territory of one or several adjoining settlements who are followers of one creed for joint practicing religion and satisfying religious needs.

Religious communities are formed on the initiative of not less than 20 citizens of Belarus, who are not younger than 18 years old and permanently residingg in one or several adjoining settlements.

Communities carry out their activities voluntarily in compliance with their statutes and they are to be registered in the order provided by this Law.

Article 15. Religious Associations

A religious association is joining up of religious communities of one creed for joint satisfying religious needs of their participants ( members).

Religious associations are formed by not less than 10 religious communities of one creed that have been carrying out their activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus for not less than 20 years. Religious communities carry out their activities through their administrative bodies.

A republican religious association is a religious association formed by religious communities that carry out their activities in most oblasts of the Republic of Belarus. A republican religious association carries out its activities on the territory of religious communities that are members of it.

A republican religious association can create local religious associations that can carry out their activities on the territory of religious communities that are members of them.

Republican and local religious associations carry out their activities in compliance with their statutes and are to be registered in the order provided by this Law.

Religious associations can establish cloisters and monastic communities, congregations, charitable religious missions and communities, religious schools that carry out their activities in compliance with their statutes and are to be registered in the order provided by this Law.

Article 16. State Registration of Religious Organizations

Religious organizations are subject to obligatory state registration. From the moment of the state registration a religious organization obtains a status of a juridical person.

Religious organizations as juridical persons have rights and fulfill obligations in compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and their statutes.

State registration of religious organizations is carried out by:

religious communities – by oblast, the Minsk city executive committees;

religious associations as well as cloisters and monastic communities, congregations, charitable religious missions and communities, religious schools created by the decision of administrative bodies of a religious association – by the governmental body handling religious affairs.

After the decision on registration of a religious organization has been made the registration office issues a due form certificate on state registration of the religious organization.

Changes and amendments put to statutes of religious organizations are to be registered in the order established for registration of religious organizations and come into force from the date of their state registration.

In case of changing the data contained in the State register of religious organizations, a religious organization advises the registration office about it within one month from the day of submission.

Article 17. State registration of religious communities

In order to register a religious community, founders file an application for registration signed by all participants ( members of this community) to a city, rajon executive committee, local administration located on the territory of the planned activities.

The following documents are to be attached to the application:

the list of citizens of the Republic of Belarus who have created the community with indication of their names, family names and patronymic names, date of birth, citizenship, place of residence as well as their signatures;

the statute of a religious community in three copies;

the minute of the meeting of participants ( members);

the document that confirms the right of a religious community to be located at the place indicated in the statute.

A religious community practicing faith which was according to State governance body on religious affairs unknown in the Republic of Belarus before attaches information on foundations of the faith and corresponding religious practice, including information about beginnings of the religion practicing by this community, on forms and methods of its activities, on attitude towards marriage and a family, education, fulfillment of the state duties, receiving medical assistance by followers of the religion.

City, rajon executive committees, local administration consider the submitted documents on registration of a religious community within one month and forward them together with its conclusion to proper oblast or the Minsk city executive committee.

In case documents stipulated by part two of this article haven’t been submitted, a city, rajon executive committee, local administration can leave the application without consideration and inform the applicant about it within 10 days.

Oblast, the Minsk city executive committees, after having received documents submitted for registration, consider them within one month and make a decision on registration or denied registration of a religious community and inform applicants about it.

Documents on registration of a religious community practicing a faith unknown in the Republic of Belarus before, are forwarded by oblast, the Minsk city executive committees to State governance body on religious affairs for religious expert examination. In this case, the term for consideration of documents is prolonged up to six months.

Article 18. State Registration of Religious Associations

In order to register a religious association, its founders file an application for registration to State governance body on religious affairs, which is to make a decision within a month.

The following documents are attached to the application:

the statute in three copies;

the extract from the minutes of the congress ( conference, general meeting, sitting of the administrative body) on creating a religious association;

the list of members of the administrative body of a religious association with indication of names, family names, patronymic names, date of birth, citizenship, place of residence;

the documents that confirms the right of a religious association to be located at the place indicated in the statute.

In case documents stipulated by part two of this article are not submitted, State governance body on religious affairs can leave the application without consideration and inform the applicants about it within 10 days.

Article 19. State Registration of Cloisters and Monastic Communities, Congregations, Charitable Religious Missions and Communities, Religious Schools

Cloisters and monastic communities, congregations, charitable religious missions and communities, religious schools created upon the decision of administrative bodies of a religious association are subject to state registration in the order determined for registration of religious organizations taking into account peculiarities stipulated by part two and part three of this article.

Cloisters and monastic communities, congregations, charitable religious missions and communities, religious schools attach to the application for registration the list of participants with indication of names, family names, patronymic names, date of birth, citizenship, place of residence and their signatures.

Religious schools additionally attach to the application for registration a certificate of a religious association on providing them with teachers who have special education and know the State languages and with premises.

Article 20. Statute of a Religious Organization

A religious organization carries out its activities in compliance with its statute.

The statute of a religious community and religious association is approved by their founders.

The statute of a religious organization created by a religious association is approved by the administrative body of a religious association.

It should be indicated in the statute of a religious organization:

complete name, including indication of a confessional belonging of a religious organization;

place of location;

aims, goals and main forms of activities;

belonging to a religious association ( for religious communities that are members of a religious association and religious organizations created by religious associations);

territory of activities;

structure of the organization, bodies of its administration, procedure for their forming, competence, composition and terms of authorities;

sources and procedure of making budget and other property of the organization;

the body authorized to make decisions on obtaining and managing the property of a religious organization;

procedure for liquidation and reorganization of a religious organization;

procedure for managing the property left after having paid off to creditors in case of liquidation of a religious organization;

procedure for the introduction of changes and amendments to the statute;

other information concerned with peculiarities of activities of the religious organization.

Article 21. Refusal of Registration of a Religious Organization

Registration of a religious organization can be denied due to the following reasons:

a religious organization that is being created doesn’t comply with requirements stated in art. 13 of this Law;

the statute and other submitted documents don’t comply with requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus or information contained in them is not authentic;

due to conclusions of a religious expert examination carried out in cases stipulated by this Law;

violation of the procedure for creation of a religious organization stipulated by this law.

A written notification about denied registration of a religious organization is sent to applicants with indication of reasons for the refusal. A refusal as well as evasion of the registration office from registering a religious organization can be appealed to court.

Article 22. State Religious Expert Examination

The state religious expert examination is set by State governance body on religious affairs in cases determined by this law while creating and carrying out activities of religious organizations.

The procedure for setting and conducting religious expert examination is determined by State governance body on religious affairs.

Article 23. Liquidation of a Religious Organization

A religious organization can be liquidated:

upon the decision of its founders or a body authorized by the statute of a religious organization;

upon the court decision in cases:

repeated violation of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, this Law, other legislation of the Republic of Belarus within one year or carrying out activities conflicting the statute of a religious organization;

carrying out activities against the sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus, its constitutional system and ; propaganda of war, social, national, religious, racial hostility or discord, humiliation of national honor and dignity;

in other cases stipulated by the legislation.

A body that has registered the organization can appeal to court for the liquidation of the organization.

Cases on liquidation of religious communities registered by oblast, the Minsk city executive committees are considered by proper oblast, the Minsk city courts and cases on liquidation of religious organizations registered by State governance body on religious affairs are considered by the Supreme court of the Republic of Belarus.


Chapter 3
Rights and Conditions of Activities of Religious Organizations


Article 24. Legal Basis of Activities of Religious Organizations

While carrying out their activities religious organizations should be guided by their statutes and observe requirements of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, this Law and other acts of legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 25. Worships, Devotions, Rituals and Ceremonies

Worships, devotions, rituals and ceremonies are conducted freely in religious buildings, constructions and on territories belonged to them, in other places provided to religious organizations for this purpose, in places of pilgrimage, cemeteries and crematoria.

Worships, devotions, rituals and ceremonies if necessary can be conducted domiciliary on citizens’ request on conditions that rules of a public order are observed.

Worships, devotions, rituals and ceremonies in medical institutions, pretrial detention centers and places of confinement are conducted upon the request of citizens kept there in premises provided by the administration for this purpose. People kept in these institutions can have, receive, obtain and use religious literature and devotional articles unless it makes harm to their health.

The procedure for conducting worships, devotions, rituals and ceremonies by military men is determined by the legislation on military service.

Worships, devotions, rituals and ceremonies as well as other religious events in the open air or in premises that are not specially dedicated for this purpose can be conducted only after a proper decision has been made by a head of a local executive and administrative body or his/her deputy in the order determined by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 26. Religious Literature and Articles of Religious Purpose

Religious organizations can produce, obtain, export, import and distribute religious literature, other printed, audio- and video-production as well as other articles of religious purpose in the order established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Religious organizations can import and distribute religious literature, printed, audio and video-production only after the state religious expert examination has been carried out.

Profit-making organizations on issuing the divine-service literature and manufacturing articles of religious purpose can be created only by religious organizations.

While carrying out their activities religious organizations should indicate their full name in promotional materials.

Literature, other printed, audio and video-production produced by religious organizations should have a marking with indication of the full name of religious organizations.

Distribution of religious literature, audio-, video- and other production with a religious content can be carried out only in premises that belong to religious organizations as their property or on other legal grounds as well as in places dedicated for this purpose by local executive and administrative bodies in the established order.

Article 27. Charitable and Informational Activities of Religious Organizations

Religious organizations can carry out charitable activities in the order established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Religious organizations, in compliance with their statutes, can create mass media means in the order and on terms stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 28. Religious Schools

Religious organizations can create religious schools for training priests, divines and church staff.

Citizens who are studding in high and secondary religious schools have rights and privileges established for students of the state educational institutions.

Article 29. International Communications and Contacts

Religious organizations can establish and keep international communications and contacts including those for the purpose of pilgrimage, participation in meetings and other events, receiving religious education as well as invite foreigners for these purposes.

Religious associations are entitled to invite foreign citizens for carrying out religious activities in proper religious associations in the order established by the Council of Ministers of Belarus.

A foreign citizen can carry out religious activities in the Republic of Belarus within one year. This term if necessary can be prolonged or shortened in compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 30. Proprietary Right of Religious Organizations

Religious organizations have the proprietary right to the property obtained or produced at their own expense, donated by individuals or legal entities or submitted to religious organizations as their property by the state or obtained by another way that doesn’t conflict with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Religious buildings and constructions with land belonged to them and other property of religious purpose that are the state or municipal ownership is transferred to the ownership of religious organizations in order to use them for a religious purpose in compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Religious organizations have the exclusive right to receive from the state religious buildings with a territory belonged to them unless they are used as objects of culture, physical culture and sports.

Religious associations, religious communities that are members of religious associations, as well as cloisters and monastic communities, congregations, religious schools have the right to day-to-day management of the property transferred to them.

Religious communities that are members of religious associations, as well as cloisters and monastic communities, congregations, religious schools can transfer their religious buildings and other property for the use by other religious organizations only with permission of a governmental body handling religious affairs to which they are subordinated.

The state can render assistance to religious organizations in restoration of religious buildings, other articles of a historical and cultural value.

Article 31. Use of the Property that is Ownership of Legal Entities and Individuals

Religious organizations can use for their needs buildings and other property transferred to them on terms of the signed agreements with juridical persons and physical persons.

Disputes on issues on having and holding of religious buildings and property are solved juridically if not stipulated otherwise by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 32. Entrepreneur’s Activities of Religious Organizations

Religious organizations are non-profit-making organizations. They can carry out entrepreneur’s activities only for achieving aims for the sake of which they have been created as well as corresponding to these aims activities.

Article 33. Handling of the Property of Liquidated Religious Organizations

After liquidation of religious organizations, the property transferred to them for having and holding by juridical persons and physical persons is returned to those who had transferred it.

After liquidation of religious organizations, handling of the property that was their ownership is carried out in accordance with their statutes and the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Property of a religious purpose that is ownership of religious organizations can’t be exacted on claims of creditors. The list of kinds of property of a religious purpose that can’t be exacted on claims of creditors is made by State governance body on religious affairs in accordance with proposals of religious organizations and approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.


Chapter 4
Regulation of Labor and Concerned with them Relations in Religious Organizations


Article 34. Regulation of Labor Relations in Religious Organizations

Labor relations in religious organizations are regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Labor conditions, forms, a system and rates of salaries are determined on the basis of a collective contract, agreement and a labor contract in compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 35. Social Security and Social Insurance of Citizens Employed in Religious Organizations

Citizens employed in religious organizations as well as priests are subject to social security and obligatory state social insurance in compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Religious organizations make deductions to proper funds in the order and at the rates established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.


Chapter 5
Control of Implementation of the Legislation of the Republic of Belarus on Freedom of Conscience, Religious Freedom and Religious Organizations

 Article 36. Control of Implementation of the Legislation of the Republic of Belarus on Freedom of Conscience, Religious Freedom and Religious Organizations

Control of implementation of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on freedom of conscience, religious freedom and religious organizations at the local level is conducted by local Councils of deputies, executive and administrative bodies.

Oblast, the Minsk city executive committee establish their subdivisions handling religious affairs subordinated to them and to State governance body on religious affairs.

Article 37. Written Warning

Should a religious organization violate the legislation of the Republic of Belarus or carry out activities conflicting the statute of the religious organization, the registration office shall issue a written warning which is to be sent within 3 days to the administrative body of the religious organization.

If a religious organization does not correct violations indicated in part one of this article or repeats the same violations within one year, the registration office can appeal for the liquidation of the religious organization.

At the same time the registration office can make a decision on suspending activities of the religious organization until a court decision has been passed.

Article 38. Consequences of Suspension of Activities of Religious Organizations

Should activities of a religious organization be suspended it can’t carry out religious, entrepreneur’s and other activities, be founders of mass media means and other legal entities, transfer money from the bank account current to other persons apart from transferring payments to the budget and other obligatory payments, payments under civil and labor contracts signed before, compensation of a damage caused by actions of a religious organization.

Should the court decide to reject the liquidation of the religious organization, the religious organization may then recommence the activities previously suspended in accordance with the authority given to the registration office.

The religious organization’s activities may recommence when the court’s decision comes into effect.

Article 39. Responsibility for Violation of the Legislation of the Republic of Belarus on Freedom of Conscience, Religious Freedom and Religious Organizations

Violation of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on freedom of conscience, religious freedom and religious organization, such as

establishment and activities of religious organizations, their bodies and representatives against the sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus, its constitutional system and civil peace or connected with violation of rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as those preventing citizens from fulfilling their state, public, family duties or making hard do their health and morality;

establishment of religious organizations in state bodies and institutions, military units as well as in educational institutions;

involving juveniles in religious organizations, teaching religion to juveniles against the will and without an agreement of their parents or surrogate parents;

desecration of articles respected by religion, religious constructions, Mecca and burial places;

giving away the secrets of the confessional;

exasperating religious enmity or discord or insulting citizens due to their religious beliefs

entails responsibility determined by the law.

Officials and citizens guilty of violation of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on freedom of conscience, religious freedom and religious organizations have the responsibility determined by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 40. International Treaties

Should the rules established by an international treaty to which the Republic of Belarus is party be different from those contained in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on freedom of conscience, religious freedom and religious organizations, the rules established by the international treaty shall be applied.”

Article 2. This Law comes into force in 10 days after its official promulgation.

Article 3. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus should:

ensure bringing acts of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus into line with this Law within three month after the date of coming into force of this Law;

organize state registration of religious organizations whose statutes were registered before coming into force of this law within 2 years after the date of coming into force of this Law.

Statutes of religious organizations registered before the date of coming into force of this Law should be bringing into line with this Law. Until statutes of religious organizations have been brought in line with this Law, they are in force only concerning those provisions that are not conflicting this Law.

President of the Republic of Belarus


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