2012, tutte le bugie sui Maya, di Massimo Introvigne (La Bussola Quotidiana, 5 gennaio 2012)
La dottrina di Jane Roberts e le sue radici storiche, di Francesco Baroni - A paper presented at the 2010 International Conference, Torino, Italy, 9-11 September 2010
R.E. Maya: il sonno della verità genera mostri, di Massimo Introvigne
La religione di Avatar? È nata in Piemonte, di Massimo Introvigne (Avvenire, 30 gennaio 2010)
The religion of Avatar?
It was born in Piedmont, Italy, by Massimo Introvigne (Avvenire, 30 January 2010)
Il mondo finirà nel 2012? FAQ sulle presunte profezie Maya, di Massimo Introvigne
Bricoler avec une tradition ou appartenir à une autre tradition ?, by Régis Dericquebourg - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
Measuring the Sacred: research notes on so-called “holistic paradigm” in science as actualized by new spiritualities adherents, by Dorota Hall - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
New Age or the Mass-popularization of Esoteric Discourse: Some Preliminary Reflections on the Reconceptualization of the New Age, by Kennet Granholm - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
Is the ‘New Age’ a coherent concept?, by George D. Chryssides - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
Redfield, profeta in declino, di Massimo Introvigne (Avvenire, 12 settembre 2007)
Esalen: splendore e miseria del potenziale umano, di Massimo Introvigne
Globalisation or Aquarius: Are "We" Talking From the Same Thing? - Sébastien Gregov - A paper presented at the 2006 CESNUR International Conference in San Diego, California.
New Traditions About Jesus and the New Religiosity, by Render Kranenborg - A paper presented at the 2006 CESNUR International Conference in San Diego, California.
Il sacro terapeutico tra New age e Next age, di Pierluca Roggero
Massimo Introvigne, Le New Age des origines à nos jours. Courants, mouvements, personnalités, traduit de l'italien par Philippe Baillet, Dervy, Paris 2005
Compte rendu de Jean-François Mayer (Religioscope, 19 novembre 2005)
The New Age in Poland: Lines of Conflict, by Dorota Hall - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
Is "New Age" a Construction? Searching a New Paradigm of Contemporary Religion, by Liselotte Frisk - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
Massimo Introvigne, Le New Age des origines à nos jours. Courants, mouvements, personnalités, traduit de l’italien par Philippe Baillet, Dervy, Paris 2005
New Age Milieu in Lithuania: The Case of The Academy of Parapsychology, by Milda Alisauskiene - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2004 Conference, Waco, Texas
The Wisdom of Indigo Children: An Emphatic Restatement of the Value of American Children, by Sarah W. Whedon - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2004 Conference, Waco, Texas
The Master Race and the Family of Light: Conflict, Spiritual Purification and Bio-Political Agendas in JJ Hurtak's "Book of Knowledge", by Carol S. Matthews - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2004 Conference, Waco, Texas
New Age and fundamentalism, by Tadeusz Doktór, Warsaw University - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2003 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania
New Age and the Polish Right, by Zbigniew Mikolejko, Professor, Head of Department of Religious Studies, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2003 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The "Quasi-Religion" of Reiki, by Andrea Menegotto, CESNUR - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2003 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Dialogue between the New Age and the Protestant Churches in The Netherlands, by Reender Kranenborg - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2003 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Peculiarity of the New Age Movement in a Catholic Country: the Case of Poland, by Dorota Hall, Ph.D. candidate, Graduate School for Social Research, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2003 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Alternative Spiritualities and New Age Studies, Friday 30 May to Sunday 1 June 2003, The Open University, Milton Keynes, England
Il documento vaticano sul New Age: alcune riflessioni preliminari, a cura del CESNUR
The Vatican document on the New Age, English text (Feb. 3, 2003) - "Gesù Cristo portatore dell'acqua viva. Una riflessione cristiana sul 'New Age'" - Documento a cura dei Pontifici Consigli per la Cultura e il Dialogo Interreligioso presentato il 3.2.2003 - Le document vatican sur le Nouvel Age (3 Fév. 2003), texte français
Torino: inchiesta sul centro New Age "Istituto delle Motivazioni"
Inspector Clouseau and the Case of "Religious Kitsch" - A Review of Olav Hammers Claiming Knowledge: Strategies of Epistemology from Theosophy to the New Age, by Massimo Introvigne
Massimo Introvigne, "New Age & Next Age" - Recensione di Luis Pellegrini (in portoghese) - Planeta, 28 settembre 2001
"Control of Happiness on the tragic aspect of the New Age rituals of cure", by Leila Amaral - A paper presented at The 2001 International Conference in London.
"Religious Transit and Ecological Spirituality in Brazil", by Sandra Duarte de Souza - A paper presented at The 2001 International Conference in London.
"The Divinatory Consultations in Modernity: The Mystic Fair in Sao Paulo - Brazil", by Silas Guerriero (Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo) - A paper presented at The 2001 International Conference in London.
"New Age and Neopaganism: Two Different Traditions?", by Reender Kranenborg (Free University of Amsterdam). A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London
"Carnival of the Soul : on the 'Meeting for the New Consciousness' of Campina Grande" - by Leila Amaral (Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil) - a paper presented at CESNUR 2000 conference, Riga, Latvia, August 29-31, 2000.
Massimo Introvigne, New Age & Next Age - Recensione di Andrea Menegotto
"Newsweek on Self-Help, NextAge", (January 10, 2000)
La religione di Celestino: Redfield rivela lundicesima illuminazione - di Massimo Introvigne
Swedenborg: A Herald of the New Age? - by Jean-François Mayer (University of Fribourg)
After the New Age: Is there a Next Age? - Paper read by Massimo Introvigne at the RENNER II Seminar "New Age Religion and Globalization: The European Experience" (Copenhagen, November 16-17, 1999)
"Mistica della prosperità e religione del benessere tra New Age e Next Age" - di Massimo Introvigne (intervento al convegno Mistica Oggi organizzato a Firenze il 23 ottobre 1999 dal Lyceum)
Dagli archivi del CESNUR: "Che cos'è il New Age" - Una conferenza del 1993 di Massimo Introvigne
"New Age" - PierLuigi Zoccatelli recensisce il saggio di Luigi Berzano
"Cristianesimo e reincarnazione", di Pietro Cantoni - Recensione di Pier Marco Ferraresi
Massimo Introvigne - PierLuigi Zoccatelli, New Age - Next Age. Una nuova religiosità dagli anni '60 a oggi, Giunti, Firenze 1999 (presentazione del libro)
"Il New Age", di PierLuigi Zoccatelli - Recensione di Pier Marco Ferraresi
Un articolo di Massimo Introvigne da "La Critica Sociologica": La costruzione sociale delle "near-death experiences": il caso Betty Eadie
Il reiki : tecnica o religione? - di Massimo Introvigne (novembre 1998)
La crisi del New Age e la nascita di un nuovo fenomeno: il Next Age - Relazione di Massimo Introvigne al seminario "La crisi del New Age e la nascita di un nuovo fenomeno: il Next Age" - Torino, 4 aprile 1998
Los católicos frente al New Age: "Instrucción Pastoral sobre El New Age", Card. Norberto Rivera Carrera - Arzobispo Primado de México (7.1.1996)
Un alchimista targato New Age: un esame critico de "L'alchimista" di Paulo Coelho
di Massimo Introvigne - da Avvenire, 20 settembre 1995
Massimo Introvigne's Book on Magic - Polish Edition
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