From Hyper-Real Religions to Hyper-Real Science, by Roberto Paura - A paper presented at The 2019 International Conference, Turin, Italy, 5-7 September 2019
Moralizing High Gods in the Digital Era, by Tamás Nyirkos - A paper presented at The 2019 International Conference, Turin, Italy, 5-7 September 2019
Spirituality in Nursing: a Concept Analysis, by Carla Murgia - A paper presented at The 2019 International Conference, Turin, Italy, 5-7 September 2019
Following the Charisma. Understanding Charisma Through Followers (.pdf version of the PowerPoint and text only version), by George D. Chryssides - A paper presented at The 2019 International Conference, Turin, Italy, 5-7 September 2019
The Journal of Religion and Violence publishes a special issue on NRMs and violence, by Marco Respinti
Sette, Massimo Introvigne: 'Il plagio non esiste'". Intervista a Magzine, della Scuola di Giornalismo dell'Universitŕ Cattolica di Milano
Expert Opinion for an Israeli Case (July 2018)
A New Old Notion of Cult by Massimo Introvigne (conference "Cult and New Religious Movements"), University of Haifa, 8 May 2017
Per Speculum. Cosmografia dei movimenti religiosi in Italia attraverso confronti genealogici, di Carlo De Gaetano - Per Speculum. A Cosmography of Religious Movements in Italy Through Genealogical Comparisons, by Carlo De Gaetano
Religion and Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities, by Anselm Kyongsuk Min - A paper presented at The 2016 International Conference, Pocheon City, Republic of Korea, 5-10 July 2016
From Reification to Formatting: Reflections on the Religion in the Globalized World, by Patrick Laude - A paper presented at The 2016 International Conference, Pocheon City, Republic of Korea, 5-10 July 2016
Medicine and Health Care in Controversial Minority Religions, by Liselotte Frisk - A paper presented at The 2016 International Conference, Pocheon City, Republic of Korea, 5-10 July 2016
Artists and Theosophy in Present-Day Czech Republic and Slovakia, by Massimo Introvigne (CEENASWE 2016 conference, Belgrade, May 27, 2016)
La misericordia oltre i confini della Chiesa, di Massimo Introvigne. Relazione al convegno della Penitenzieria Apostolica "Misericordiae Vultus", Roma, 31 marzo 2016
Why memes carry wisdom: neo-Haiku, cute kittens & social media, by David Webster - A paper presented at The 2015 International Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 17-20 June 2015
Mais d’où viendront les sectaires? La génération Harry Potter et l’innovation religieuse, par Alain Bouchard - A paper presented at The 2015 International Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 17-20 June 2015
Migration is the New Missions. Internal Changes in Global Christianity, by Dyron B. Daughrity - A paper presented at The 2015 International Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 17-20 June 2015
Statistiche religiose 2014: religioni, "periferie", cristiani uccisi per la loro fede.
“We Are No Longer Able To Hear God!”: A consideration of Christianity’s fall from grace in Western Europe, by Dyron B. Daughrity - A paper presented at CESNUR 2013 Conference, Falun, Sweden, 21-24 June 2013.
Squeezing into Uncomfortable Spaces: Scholarly Objectivity and Strong Opinions, by David Webster - A paper presented at CESNUR 2013 Conference, Falun, Sweden, 21-24 June 2013.
A Feminine Psychology/Philosophy in NRMs: On the Problem of Empathy, by Marzia A. Coltri - A paper presented at CESNUR 2013 Conference, Falun, Sweden, 21-24 June 2013.
The Changing Concept of ‘New Religions’ from a Religio-typological Context, by Chongsuh Kim - A paper presented at CESNUR 2013 Conference, Falun, Sweden, 21-24 June 2013.
The Changing Face of Eastern Religions in the United States, by Constance A. Jones - A paper presented at The 2012 International Conference, El Jadida, Morocco, 20-22 September 2012
Changing the Rules of the Game: How African Christianity Defied Global Religious Understanding ... And What This Means, by Dyron Daughrity - A paper presented at The 2012 International Conference, El Jadida, Morocco, 20-22 September 2012
Third Millennium NRMs in Britain, by George Chryssides - A paper presented at the 2011 International Conference in Danshui, Taiwan
How Physics Affects Metaphysics and the Concept of God in the History of Western Thought: An Outline, by John Cheng - A paper presented at the 2011 International Conference in Danshui, Taiwan
Building the conversion / Morfologie della conversione, by Laura Gaffuri - A paper presented at the 2010 International Conference, Torino, Italy, 9-11 September 2010
Paradox as Our New ‘God’: Social Systems Theory Perspective on Religion and Democratization, by Yu Cheng Liu - A paper presented at the 2010 International Conference, Torino, Italy, 9-11 September 2010
Il marketing della religione, di Giulia Evolvi - A paper presented at the 2010 International Conference, Torino, Italy, 9-11 September 2010
“I am the God of Everything:” The Development of (Self)-Destructive
Panenanthropism in Popular Youth Culture
Il fatto della conversione religiosa, di Massimo Introvigne - Relazione di apertura al XXI Simposio Internazionale di Teologia, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, 14 aprile 2010
Marginalizing Heterosexual Monogamous Marriage--The Cultural and Legal Assault on the Christian Ideal, by Jane Williams-Hogan - A paper presented at The 2009 CESNUR Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah
The impact of ultra spiritual theologies on society, by Shirley Paulson - A paper presented at The 2009 CESNUR Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah
Nikandrs Gills (March 10, 1945 – February 2, 2009) – In Memoriam, by Solveiga Krumina-Konkova
La Cina è vicina. Anzi, è già qui, di Emanuele Rebuffini (Il nostro tempo, 30 novembre 2008)
Twenty Years of CESNUR - A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion – Chicago, November 2, 2008, by Massimo Introvigne
Twenty Years of Studies of New Religious Movements: Autohagiography or Post-Mortem?, by Massimo Introvigne - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
CESNUR and some of its cultural policies, by PierLuigi Zoccatelli (CESNUR) - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
Forty Years of the Institute for the Study of American Religion, by J. Gordon Melton - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
The Revival of Religiosity and the Influence on Marriage and Children, by Irene Briones - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
Notes on Urban Multireligiosity in Mexico, by Daniel Gutiérrez Martinez - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
At the End of the Kami Way: a Closed Door. Traces of an Esoteric Shîntō in the First Part of the Kojiki and Possible Influence in the Genesis of New Attractive Japanese Religious Movements, by Antonio Soro - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
Lets Talk: The Application of Systemic Theory and Practice to New Religious Movements and Their Past and Current Adherents, by Alaistar Pearson - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
Digital Pantheon, by Antonio Cosenza - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
Eighteen Years in the Field: Types of New Religious Movements in Bulgaria (1990-2008), by Mario Marinov- A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
The 2008 International Conference |
In memoriam: Enzo Peserico (1959-2008)
"Religious Competition and Revival in Italy: Exploring European Exceptionalism" by Massimo Introvigne and Rodney Stark (Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion: Vol. 1, No. 1) - pdf
Alle origini dell’Europa malata. Una recensione di Dynamics of Destruction. Culture and Mass Killing in the First World War di Alan Kramer (Oxford University Press, Oxford - New York 2007), di Massimo Introvigne
E Moravia, cattivo profeta, scelse la fede comunista, di Massimo Introvigne (Avvenire, 9 ottobre 2007)
Burleigh, lo storico detestato dai liberal per come parla delle religioni, di Massimo Introvigne (il Foglio, 25 settembre 2007)
L'Europa fra cristianesimo e apostasia: cinque letture, di Massimo Introvigne
Les derniers sectateurs russes du Sud-Caucase : des communautés religieuses en voie d’extinction, by Garik GALSTYAN (Université de Lille 3) - A paper presented at the 2007 International Conference in Bordeaux, France
Accommodating religious diversity: beyond liberal dilemmas, by Marion MADDOX - A paper presented at the 2007 International Conference in Bordeaux, France.
Les enjeux religieux de la radiophonie en Afrique. Le cas du Ghana et du Togo, by Étienne L. DAMOME - A paper presented at the 2007 International Conference in Bordeaux, France.
Immigration africaine et nouvelles identités religieuses à Bordeaux, par Annie LENOBLE-BART en collaboration avec Marc SPINDLER - A paper presented at the 2007 International Conference in Bordeaux, France.
Science et religion, by Alex DE VALERA - A paper presented at the 2007 International Conference in Bordeaux, France.
"We're not that religious" - Religious identification and practice among the Danish Vietnamese, by Jørn BORUP - A paper presented at the 2007 International Conference in Bordeaux, France.
In Memoriam: Tadeusz Doktór (1950-2007)
The Dordogne-Périgord: from the Sacred Mysteries of the Lascaux Painted Cave to One of the 21st Century World Centers of New Spiritualities, by Père Jean-Louis FAVART and Bernadette RIGAL-CELLARD - A paper presented at the 2007 International Conference in Bordeaux, France.
Le narcissisme et la modernité, by Enrico GIRMENIA - A paper presented at the 2007 International Conference in Bordeaux, France.
Les défis actuels de la laïcité entre tutelle de l'identité et respect des diversités, by Germana CAROBENE - A paper presented at the 2007 International Conference in Bordeaux, France.
Mondialisation et mutations de la géographie de l'hindouisme, by Pierre-Yves TROUILLET - A paper presented at the 2007 International Conference in Bordeaux, France.
The Religious Immigration in Spain, by Irene BRIONES MARTINEZ - A paper presented at the 2007 International Conference in Bordeaux, France.
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The 2007 International Conference GLOBALIZATION, IMMIGRATION, AND CHANGE IN RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS June 7-9, 2007 - Bordeaux, France Programme Cyberproceedings |
"Il vero pericolo è la religione fai-da-te" - Intervista a Massimo Introvigne (Il Messaggero, 15 maggio 2007)
Religions of Korea in Practice: A Summa on Korea's New (and Old) Religions, by Massimo Introvigne
San Diego (California) July 13-16, 2006
A Holistic Model of Ethical Behavior Based Upon a Metaperspectival Hierarchy of the Traditional Groupings of Virtues, Values, and Ideals, by John LaMuth - A paper presented at the 2006 CESNUR International Conference in San Diego, California.
Globalization and Religion, Mehran Rezai - A paper presented at the 2006 CESNUR International Conference in San Diego, California.
Benedetto XVI, Auschwitz, la stanchezza dell'Europa e la stolidità dei commentatori (de "La Repubblica"), di Massimo Introvigne (il Domenicale. Settimanale di cultura, anno 5, n. 24, 17 giugno 2006)
ANTEPRIMA - In autunno in libreria "Le religioni in Italia" (La Repubblica, 9 maggio 2006)
Ricerca del CESNUR:
Il pluralismo religioso nell'entroterra palermitano
J. Gordon Melton: "He Wrote the Book on American Religions" by Louis Sahagun (Los Angeles Times, April 12, 2006)
I particolarismi tra globalizzazione e conflitti: osservazioni giuridiche riguardo la jilbab, di Alessandro Amicarelli - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
Problems of Religious Pluralism in China and Pakistan, by Irene Briones - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
La Georgia, l'Europa e il modello italiano: un seminario a Tbilisi, di Massimo Introvigne
La morte di Butler: l'integralismo cristiano perde il suo leader, di Massimo Introvigne (il Giornale, 15 settembre 2004)
I matrimoni gay e il dilemma dei musulmani, di Massimo Introvigne (il Giornale, 1 luglio 2005)
Chiese e matrimonio omosessuale: "Matrimoni e famiglia: attenti al golpe delle minoranze gay" di Massimo Introvigne (il Giornale, 24 giugno 2005)
Foisonnement religieux et crise urbaine au Congo Brazzaville, by Etanislas Ngodi - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
New Religious Movements, Religious Plurality, and the Bengal Renaissance, by Mark Sedgwick - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
The Religious Phenomenon and Contemporary Geopolitics, by Daniela-Emanuela Danacica - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
La psicologia sociale dei gruppi religiosi, di Raffaella Di Marzio - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
Brevi considerazioni sulle frontiere sociopolitiche e religiose - Conseguenze della immigrazione in Occidente, di Luigi Massara - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
Beginning to Comprehend the Lie of the Land in Researching New Religious Movements, by John Paul Healy - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
Alternative Religions Through the Mirror of Personal Law, by Aleksandra Kanalec Ivancic - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
Contemporary Religious Situation in the South-Western Siberia: New Developments and Change of the Traditional Religious-Ethnic Patterns, by Julia S. Kovalchuk - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
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Immigrati e religione: quanti sono i musulmani (e gli ortodossi) in Italia
In memoriam: Don Gianni Sangalli, 1922-2004, di Massimo Introvigne
In Memoriam: Bryan Ronald Wilson, 1926-2004, by Massimo Introvigne
Why Does "Self-Made Religion" Spread in Italy?, by Pino Lucà Trombetta (University of Bologna) - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2004 Conference, Waco, Texas
A Man on a Mission From God: The Most Dangerous Thing in the World, by Brett L. Mers, United States Air Force Academy - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2004 Conference, Waco, Texas
June 18-20, 2004 Baylor University, Waco, Texas
"The Future of Religion and the Future of New Religions" by Massimo Introvigne (text in Persian [Farsi] for the Iranian magazin Minoye Kherad - Translated by Rostam Fallah) - file PDF
New Religious Movements: A Pastoral Approach" - General Report of Francis Cardinal Arinze to the Extraordinary Consistory of Cardinals, The Vatican, April 5, 1991(an essential document of the Catholic magisterium on NRMs, never before published in its entirety on the Web)
"La sfida delle sette o nuovi movimenti religiosi: un approccio pastorale" - Relazione generale del Cardinale Francis Arinze al Concistoro Straordinario del 1991 (per la prima volta disponibile via Internet nel testo integrale)
Secolarizzazione, "eccezione europea" e caso francese: una recensione di Europe: The Exceptional Case di Grace Davie e Catholicisme, la fin dun monde di Danièle Hervieu-Léger, di Massimo Introvigne
Formazione a distanza sulle religioni: navigare online per conoscere nuovi movimenti religiosi, sette, moderne tendenze spirituali (Fides, 24 giugno 2003)
Il Papa della postmodernità - Unanalisi sociologica di Introvigne, direttore del Cesnur, di Filippo Salatino ("Il Quotidiano di Calabria e Basilicata", 15 ottobre 2003)
Secolarizzazione, eccezione europea e caso francese: una recensione di Europe: The Exceptional Case di Grace Davie e Catholicisme, la fin dun monde di Danièle Hervieu-Léger, di Massimo Introvigne
Term "Sect" as a phenomenon of a repressive social consciousness, by Arunas Peskaitis, OFM (psychologist with an MA in Religious studies) - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2003 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Reincarnazione, persona umana e concezione cristiana della vita e della storia, di Pietro Cantoni (Studio Teologico Interdiocesano di Camaiore)
Religious Communities as Interest Groups, by Maria Marczewska-Rytko, Faculty of Political Science UMCS Lublin Poland - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2003 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania
Sociologia degli dèi e falsificazioni della storia: una recensione di For the Glory of God di Rodney Stark, di Massimo Introvigne
A typology of new religious movements and its empirical indicators, by Tadeusz Doktòr, Warsaw University - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2003 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania
J. Gordon Melton: Author's information on religious sects produces invaluable guide, by Richard N. Ostling ("The Associated Press", January 31, 2003)
Jeff Hadden - In Memoriam
Jeff Hadden: An Obituary - by Doug Cowan
Religions of the World: Seminal Work on Religion Published in the U.S.
Empowering the Self - The Authority of Transformative Experience & New Forms of Religiosity in Secularized Dutch Society, by Martin Ramstedt (Meertens Instituut, Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, Amsterdam) - A paper presented at The 2002 CESNUR International Conference in Salt Lake City and Provo
The 2001 Conference in London "The Spiritual Supermarket" Cyberproceedings
Cambridge University Press Announces New Book: "Cults, Religion, and Violence"
"Se disuelve frontera de lo religioso" (Reforma, 24 de agosto del 2001: coverage of SISR conference by one of Mexico's leading daily newspapers)
"'There is no place for us to go but up': New religious movements and violence", by Massimo Introvigne.
A paper delivered in the first plenary session of the 26th Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (SISR), Ixtapan de la Sal (Mexico) August 21, 2001
"Religious Pluralism and Relativism: Reconfiguring the Self", by Dr. Michael George (Religious Studies Department, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada) - A Paper presented at the "Spiritual Supermarket" Conference, London School of Economics, April 2001
"The Future of Religion and the Future of New Religions", by Massimo Introvigne - A paper presented at The Engelsberg Seminar 2001, June 16, 2001
DISPOSIZIONI PASTORALI circa i fenomeni della "Superstizione", della "Magia" e dei "Nuovi Movimenti Religiosi", Diocesi di: Pesaro - Urbino - Urbania - SantAngelo in Vado - Fano - Fossombrone - Cagli - Pergola, Pesaro 3 giugno 2001
"The Church and the Gurus", by Silja Joneleit-Oesch (University of Heidelberg, Germany)- A paper presented at The 2001 International Conference in London.
"Religious Organisations in a Global World. A Comparative Perspective", by Margit Warburg (University of Copenhagen) - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London
"Healthy Religion", by Dr George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury - Opening Plenary Lecture at The 2001 Conference, London School of Economics, April 19, 2001
"New Religious Phenomena and the Catholic Church in the Postcommunist Countries", by István Kamarás (University of Veszprém, Hungary) - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London
"Watching for Violence: A Comparative Analysis of the Roles of Five Types of Cult-Watching Groups" by Eileen Barker (London School of Economics) - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London
"Factors influencing social perception of new religious movements" by Tadeusz Doktór (Warsaw University) A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London
"Unrecognized charisma? A study and comparison of four charismatic leaders: Charles Taze Russell, Joseph Smith, L Ron Hubbard, Swami Prabhupada" by George D. Chrysides (University of Wolverhampton). A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London
Rational Choice Sociology of Religion on the New York Times (March 24, 2001)
"Les courants magiques traditionnels et les nouveaux mouvements religieux" par Massimo Introvigne (communication à l8e Colloque international de lInstitut de Droit et dHistoire Canoniques, Université dAix-Marseille III, Aix-en-Provence, 15 avril 1994)
God, New Religious Movements and Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Massimo Introvignes Templeton Lecture in Harvard
State Department Releases Annual Human Rights Report, Accuses France of "intolerance and bias against minority religions" (February 26, 2001). See full text of the report - see section on France
"Presto sugli scaffali enciclopedia delle religioni in Italia (ElleDiCi)", (SIR, 24 gennaio 2001)
Barker wins Marty Award for Contributions to the Public Understanding of Religion
Fall 2000 AAR RSN, pg 9
Defining the New Spirituality - by George D. Chryssides (University of Wolverhampton) - A paper presented at CESNUR 14th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, August 29-31, 2000
Sacred stories in religious biographies - by Lea Altnurme (University of Tartu, Estonia) - A paper presented at CESNUR 2000 international conference in Riga, Latvia, August 29-31 2000
'The Jesus of the Cults': How the Esoteric Christ Became the Christ of Scholars - by Philip Jenkins (Distinguished Professor of History and Religious Studies, Pennsylvania State University). A paper presented at CESNUR 2000 international conference, Riga, Latvia, August 29-31, 2000
Traduction française
J. Gordon Melton's Interview on New Religions with "Speak Magazine" (by John Mardas - No. 2, Summer 2000)
CESNUR Book Collection Launched in the U.S.: Review in the 'Deseret News', August 19, 2000
Associated Press on Jeff Hadden, Massimo Introvigne,Web Sites and New Religious Movements (June 22, 2000)
World Christian Encyclopedia (Barrett)
Dr Eileen Barker honored in UK- January 13, 2000
Quel nuovo bisogno di sacro - di Massimo Introvigne, da "Il Sole 24 Ore" del 22 dicembre 1999
Important Christmas Article in The New York Times Salutes "New Religious Movements" as a New Academic Field (see text: "Alternative Religions as a Growth Industry", by Gustav Niebuhr, December 25, 1999)
Massimo Introvigne - Bibliografia
A Cultural Event: Proceedings of the LISOR Project on the Definition of Religion Published - by PierLuigi Zoccatelli
"Fedeli senza appartenenza" - di Massimo Introvigne ("Il Sole - 24 ore", 10 ottobre 1999)
New Religious Movements in Latvia in the Mirror of the Press - by Nikandrs Gills (University of Latvia)
La Congregazione per l'Educazione Cattolica pubblica un fascicolo del suo organo "Seminarium" su Il cristianesimo e le religioni - testo dell'articolo di Massimo Introvigne "L'esplosione delle nuove religioni"
Collana "Religioni e Movimenti" - Monografie su correnti e gruppi a cura del CESNUR (Edizioni Elle Di Ci)
Syncretism and religious market - by Pino Lucà Trombetta, University of Bologna (A paper presented at CESNUR 99 conference, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania)
The Rise of the Study of New Religions, by J. Gordon Melton. A paper presented at CESNUR 99 conference in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania
New Religions in Latvia in 1997/1998 - A paper presented at CESNUR 98, Turin, by Dr Solveiga Krumina-Konkova, Director of the Academic Centre for the Study of Religions, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia
L'attività missionaria nelle Valli Valdesi dei gruppi americani "non tradizionali" (Mormoni, Avventisti, Testimoni di Geova), di Michael W. Homer - Relazione presentata al XXXVIII Convegno di Studi sulla Riforma e sui movimenti religiosi in Italia organizzato dalla Società di Studi Valdesi e dal Centro Culturale Valdese - Torre Pellice, 30 agosto - 1 settembre 1998
Luigi Berzano - Massimo Introvigne, Il gigante invisibile. Nuove credenze e minoranze religiose nella provincia di Foggia. Con contributi di Anna Iuso, Giacomo Elena e Pier Marco Ferraresi , N.E.D., Foggia 1997 (presentazione del libro)
"Children in New Religions": Seminal New Book Discusses the Precarious Balance between Freedom of Religion and the Best Interest of the Child
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