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J. Gordon Melton, The Church of Scientology (Signature Books)
La Chiesa di Scientology (Elledici)
A book in the CESNUR series
From the review by Derek H. Davis in "Journal of Church and State" (Vol. 42 n. 4, Autumn 2000): "Gordon Melton needs no introduction. (...) Few scholars understand Scientology better than Melton, and his expertise is evident in this crisp, cogent study of one of the world's fastest growing religions. (...) Scientology emerged in the early 1950s as a movement that found its inspiration in the voluminous writings of L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986). (...) As Melton describes it, "Scientology has overcome one controversy after another, each of which inhibited growth in one country or the other for a brief period, [but] the overall trend has been one of continuous expansion." (...) Few books pack as much information into so little space. Anyone seeking a brief, insightful, objective, and scholarly summary of Scientology will find this book a valuable resource.
See excerpt of the book

Scientology Ethics are Reason and the Contemplation of Optimum Survival, by Sergey Ivanenko
Hate Crimes, Scientology and Television. American and International Contexts, by Massimo Introvigne - A paper presented at The 2019 International Conference, Turin, Italy, 5-7 September 2019
Census and Other Controversies in Counting Scientologists by Massimo Introvigne (European Association for the Study of Religions, Tartu, Estonia, 27 June 2019)
Encoding and Decoding a New Religion:
The Scientology Network in Action -Relazione di Massimo Introvigne alla European Academy of Religion, Bologna, 6-3-2018
Gordon Melton as Scholar of Scientology - Massimo Introvigne at the AAR 2018 Celebration of Gordon Melton
NGOs Express Serious Concerns About Rights of Defense Violations in Russian Scientology Case
Diritto, “estremismo” e religioni in Russia. Dai Testimoni di Geova alla Chiesa di Scientology, di Germana Carobene
Special issue of The Journal of CESNUR on Scientology
Religious Freedom Problems in Hungary: A Case Study of the Church of Scientology, by Massimo Introvigne
The Social Construction of "Extremism" in Russia From Jehovah's Witnesses to the Church of Scientology, by Massimo Introvigne
Religious Discrimination and State Neutrality: the Case of Hungary, by Patricia Duval
Religious Liberty in Mexico, by Jorge Lee Galindo, Seminar RELIGIOUS LIBERTY AS A GLOBAL PROBLEM at University of Southern California University Club, February 15, 2018
Anti-Extremism Laws and Scientology in Russia: A session at the conference Religion(s) and Power(s)
Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, 5 October 2017: Introvigne, Falikov, Zoccatelli.
Further documents
Confronti on Scientology and the arts / Un dossier di Confronti su Scientology e arte
The Social Construction of
"Extremism" in Russia
From Jehovah's Witnesses
to Scientology and
Beyond, by Massimo Introvigne
Scientologists Arrested in Russia: An Open Letter to President Putin
Estetica degli spazi in Scientology– Italiano (European Academy of Religion, Bologna, 18-21 June 2017), di Luigi Berzano
Scientology’s Spatial Aesthetics – English (European Academy of Religion, Bologna, 18-21 June 2017), by Luigi Berzano
L’etica di Scientology – Italiano (European Academy of Religion, Bologna, 18-21 June 2017), di Silvio Calzolari
Scientology Ethics – English (European Academy of Religion, Bologna, 18-21 June 2017), by Silvio Calzolari
The Role of the Spiritual Places in the Definition of Scientology as a Church and Their Legal Status in France, by Frédéric_Jérôme Pansier - A paper presented at The 2017 International Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, 2-6 July 2017
Scientology: Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers – Fake News about Scientology Statistics, by Massimo Introvigne
Reza Aslan on Scientology: Much Ado About Not Very Much?, by Massimo Introvigne
All charges against Scientology dismissed in Belgium in landmark decision - Full text of the decision (in French)
Scientology and the Visual Arts, by Massimo Introvigne.
A paper
presented at the ESSWE meeting at the yearly conference of the
American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, November 20, 2015
Spooks and Scientologists: Secrecy, Surveillance and Subversion in Cold War Australia 1954-1983, by Bernard Doherty - A paper presented at The 2015 International Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 17-20 June 2015
UK Supreme Court: Scientology churches should be recognized as places of religious worship - Text of the decision
The Scientology Critic Group Anonymous: A Research Paper, by John Bowen Brown
- A paper presented at The 2009 CESNUR Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah
CESNUR Library Acquires First British Introduction of Dianetics
The Spanish Case about the Church Of Scientology: A Comment, by Carmen Garcimartí - A paper presented at the 2008 International Conference in London, UK
Full text (in Spanish) of the decision of October 11, 2007 granting Scientology the right to be registered as a religious entity in Spain
Scientology: "Weird, Sure. A Cult, No", by Mark Oppenheimer (Washington Post, August 5, 2007)
European Court of Human Rights finds in favour of Scientology and against Russia in key registration case (April 5, 2007) Full text of the decision (in English)
Scientology tax victory could cost Revenue millions, by Harry Wallop (The Telegraph, August 11, 2006)
CESNUR Library Acquires "Astounding Science Fiction" for May 1950, a Milestone in the History of Scientology
L. Ron Hubbard, Kenneth Goff, and the "Brain-Washing Manual" of 1955, by Massimo Introvigne
Are the Ceremonies of the Church of Scientology really important?, by Régis Dericquebourg - A paper presented at the 2005 CESNUR International Conference in Palermo, Sicily.
Scientology, Tom Cruise, and the Making of Spielberg's "War of the Worlds"
Scientology: Church now claims more than 8 million members, by Elaine Jarvik ("Deseret News", September 18, 2004)
SMI : Scientology International Missions, an Immutable Model of Technological Missionary Activity, and Problematics, by Bernadette Rigal-Cellard - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2004 Conference, Waco, Texas
Researching Scientology: Academic Premises, Promises, and Problematics, by Douglas E. Cowan, University of Missouri-Kansas City - A paper presented at the CESNUR 2004 Conference, Waco, Texas
Copyright and Other Royalties Paid by German Scientology to Church of Scientology International are Tax-Exempt: Decision of the German Federal Tax Office, January 2003, in German, with English translation
"Scientology freed from paying tax on returns" by Carola Schlagheck ("F.A.Z.," February 8, 2003)
Opinion of the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department on the Charitable Status of Scientology (Dec. 24, 2002)
Les poursuites contre la Scientologie sont éteintes à Paris, par Cécile Prieur (Le Monde, August 1, 2002)
"French court fines Church of Scientology over data violation, acquits church of attempted fraud and false advertising" by Verena Von Derschau (AP, May 17, 2002)
The Church of Scientologys Rehabilitation Project Force
A Study by Juha Pentikäinen (Chair of the Department of the Study of Religions, University of Helsinki, Finland), Jurgen F.K. Redhardt, and Michael York (Bath Spa University College)
Berlin Administrative Court Rules Against the Use of Undercover Agents Posing a Scientologists by German Intelligence in Its Scientology-Watching Activities (Dec. 13, 2001): Court's Press Release in German, with English Translation
Full text (in Spanish, PDF format) of the decision of the Provincial Court of Madrid n. 335/2001, released on Dec. 3, 2001, acquitting several Scientologists
I motivi completi della sentenza della Cassazione, Sezione Fiscale del 13/22 ottobre 2000, la quale cassa con rinvio sentenze di merito che avevano negato la natura religiosa di Scientology (scarica il file PDF)
"The Lisa McPherson Trust: R.I.P." ("Naples Daily News," November 4, 2001)
"Religious Leader Takes His Calling to Ground Zero" by Amy Waldman ("The New York Times", September 20, 2001)
Croire et guérir, un nouveau livre de Régis Dericquebourg
"Judge rules Church of Scientology did not hold woman against her will" (Associated Press, June 23, 2001)
Review of Gordon Meltons Book on Scientology, "Journal of Church and State" (Vol. 42 n. 4, Autumn 2000)
"Russia Court Protects Scientology" (Associated Press, May 18, 2001)
"A Contemporary Ordered Religious Community: The Sea Organization", by J. Gordon Melton - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London
"Controversies about the Church of Scientology in Russia. Legal Methods of Defense of the Right for Freedom of Religion", by Galina Krylova . A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London
The Legal Treatment of Scientologys Church in Greece, by Kyriakos N. Kyriazopoulos. A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London
Scientology: le motivazioni della sentenza del 5.10.2000 che chiude la ventennale causa milanese ora disponibili (vedi testo integrale) - Full text of the important Milan decision of October 5, 2000 on Scientology now available (in Italian)
English translation
"Scientology questionnaire-Refusal to answer legitimate"
by Hans-Peter Kastenhuber ("Nuernberger Nachrichten," Munich, October 31, 2000)
Have Gun, Will Travel: Stephen Kent's German Holiday on Thin Ice (October 25, 2000)
Italy: After Twenty Years, Scientology Wins Mother of All Court Cases
Update on Stephen Kent's Expensive Affidavits: One Claims that Scientology Is a Religion, Cost of the Affidavit - $ 21,600
by Massimo Introvigne
Criminal Charges Agains Scientology Dropped in McPherson Case - Full text of the Nolle Prosequi (June 12, 2000)
The New York Times on the Battlefield Earth-Scientology connection
(May 11, 2000)
Germany Blacklisted by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative for "Sect Filter", Anti-Scientology Policy
(May 1, 2000)
"Los Angeles Times" publishes op-ed by Scientology president critical of France (April 21, 2000)
Un article du président de l'Eglise de Scien tologie sur le "Los Angeles Times" critique la France: traduction française de l'article du 21 Avril 2000
South Africa - Department of Home Affairs approves Church of Scientology's Constitution for the purpose of designating marriage officers: Department's decision of March 30, 2000 (full text)
European Court of Justice - Scientology wins Case against France (March 14, 2000) - Full text of the decision
Cour de justice des Communautés européennes : la Scientologie gagne contre la France (14 mars 2000) - avec texte complet de l'arrêt
Decision of March 13, 2000 registering Scientology as a "religious community" in Sweden - Article from "Le Monde": "L'Eglise de Scientologie est érigée en Suède au rang de 'communauté religieuse'" (en français)
Scientology is a Religion but Narconon's Profits are not Tax-Exempt, Says Italian Supreme Court (March 1, 2000)
See full text of the decision (in Italian)
Scientology ha "natura religiosa" ma i profitti di Narconon sono tassabili, sostiene la Cassazione: testo completo della sentenza del 16.12.1999/23.2.2000
McPherson Case: "Scientologist's death now ruled accidental"
(Associated Press, February 23, 2000)
"Church member's death now called accident: The medical examiner's switch, after mounds of information from Scientology, could affect the McPherson case against the church"
by Thomas C. Tobin ("St. Petersburg Times", February 23, 2000)
Cost of an Anti-Cult Affidavit by Stephen Kent: $ 11,000
About Scientology's Status in Germany: Decision of the Administrative Court of Stuttgart, November 23 1999 - Full text in German and in English (Scientology recognized as an "idealistic associaton" rather than a purely commercial business)
Scientology is Refused Registration as a Charity in England - Full Text of the Decision of December 9, 1999
Decision of the Swedish Tax Office (November 23, 1999) Approving an Accord with the Church of Scientology in Stockholm - Full Text
The Italian Supreme Court Decision on Scientology (October 8, 1997) On October 8, 1997 the Italian Court of Cassation (the Supreme Court for jurisdictional purposes in Italy) rendered an important decision on Scientology. We offer a summary of the decision -- extremely important for the ongoing decision on the nature and definition of religion -- without entering here into the specific debate about Scientology. You may also read the full text in Italian or French
The Crisis of the U.S. Anti-Cult Movement: CAN Loses its Appeal in San Francisco - Full Text of the Decision (April 8, 1998)
CAN Decision of July 30, 1998 - Full text of the decision by by the U.S. Court of Appeal for the Seventh Circuit confirming that the "old" Cult Awareness Network cannot recover its name.
CAN Legal Saga Continues - A comment to the decision of July 30, 1998 by the U.S. Court of Appeal for the Seventh Circuit confirming that the "old" Cult Awareness Network cannot recover its name.
Another Legal Blow Against the "Old" Cult Awareness Network (CAN): US Supreme Court Rejects Appeal (March 22, 1999)
"La Chiesa di Scientology", di J. Gordon Melton - Recensione di Pier Marco Ferraresi
La décision de la Cour de Cassation italienne sur la Scientologie (8 octobre 1997) La Cour de Cassation (la Cour Suprême en matière de juridiction en Italie) a rendu le 8 octobre 1997 un arrêt très important sur l'Eglise de Scientologie. Le texte complet (48 pages) peut être lu en italien. Nous proposons ici un résumé et un aperçu de la jurisprudence italienne précédente à propos de la Scientologie. Notre but est de verser cette pièce importante au dossier du débat sur la définition de la religion, sans prendre ici position sur la Scientologie et ses activités en Italie ou ailleurs
Sentenza della Cassazione dell'8 ottobre 1997 su Scientology. Testo completo in italiano
Décision de la Cour de Cassation italienne sur la Scientologie (8 octobre 1997) - Texte complet en français
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