The Harry Potter Movie
Harry Potter: il film
"The gospel according to J.R.R. Tolkien" ("Boston Globe," January 18, 2002) |
"Im Lager der Harry Potter-Gegner bahnt sich Fundamentalismus an, sagt Experte für neue Religionen - Interview mit Massimo Introvigne" (Zenit, Dezember 6, 2001) |
"Massimo Introvigne en defensa de Harry Potter Habla uno de los máximos expertos en nuevas religiones" (Zenit, 22 diciembre 2001) |
"Narnia series following on the heels of Harry Potter" ("The Toronto Sun," December 8, 2001) |
"Apologia di Harry Potter: contro i nuovi talebani" di Massimo Introvigne |
"Fundamentalism Afoot in Anti-Potter Camp, Says New-Religions Expert Popular Culture Enjoys an Autonomy, Explains Massimo Introvigne" (Zenit News, December 6, 2001) |
"Keep the Faith: Harry Potter mania fueling debate in churches" by Greg Horton ("The Oklahoman," December 1, 2001) |
The Battle of the Books - No contest. Tolkien runs rings around Potter by Brian M. Carney (Opinion Journal, November 30, 2001) |
"Some fear road to hell paved with 'Harry Potter'" by David Yonke ("Bradenton Herald," November 24, 2001) |
"Local frets over Potter influence" by Melanie Brubaker Mazur ("Herald", November 21, 2001) |
"Their Hero Harry, Larger Than Life: It's Like Magic" by Frank Ahrens ("Washington Post," November 16, 2001) |
"Fans just wild about Harry" by Karen Goldberg Goff ("Washington Times," November 16, 2001) |
"'Harry' Flies Off the Page" by Rita Kempley ("Washington Post," November 16, 2001) |
"The Education of Harry Potter" Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) reviewed by Mike Hertenstein |
"Not Everyone's Happy About 'Harry Potter'" by Ben Tracy (WISN/Milwakee Channel, November 14, 2001) |
"'Potter' spell hits New York" by Stephen Schaefer ("USA TODAY," November 12, 2001) |
"Harry Potter--Christians debate new movie" by Anthony Breznican (Associated Press, November 9, 2001) |
"London's 'Harry Potter' Debut: Movie Magic of a Special Sort" by T.R. Reid ("Washington Post," November 5, 2001) |
"Potter casts spell at world première" ("BBC News," November 4, 2001)