As every year, the CESNUR conference is in summer—only, this time it is South African summer. We have chosen Cape Town over other South African possibilities taking into account the pleasant summer weather, the beauty and historical religious heritage of the region, and the comparatively affordable intercontinental flights reaching the city.
The conference will take place on November 18 and 19, and we welcome papers on new religious and spiritual movements and institutions, the ongoing debate over the differences between religion and spirituality, and case studies of specific groups and trends, with a special attention on African indigenous spirituality. Sessions will be organized (on November 19) in cooperation with the African Forum for Religious and Spirituality Liberty (AFRSL) and will welcome papers on freedom of religion or belief issues throughout the world.
On November 15, 16, and 17, we will offer a series of field trips exploring both religious institutions, the natural beauties of the Cape region, and the famous wine area around Stellenbosch. It will be possible to attend only the conference on November 18 and 19, but we believe that the opportunity to explore the region with competent guides will be unique. The dates have also been selected to allow those who will attend the American Academy of Religion conference in Boston on November 22–25 sufficient time to travel to the United States.
Paper submission deadline: April 30, 2025 (earlier submissions appreciated)
Registration deadline: June 30, 2025
Publication of the final program: July 15, 2025
Papers and session proposals should be submitted by E-mail before the close of business on April 30, 2025, to, accompanied by an abstract of no more than 300 words and a CV of no more than 200 words. PhD students should attach a letter of support from their advisor.