Who Do You Say I Am? Democracy and the Spirituallity of Truth in the 21st Century, by Leonard McMahon
Would the Real Guru Jįra Please Stand Up?, by Massimo Introvigne
Hate Crimes, Scientology and Television. American and International Contexts, by Massimo Introvigne
From Hyper-Real Religions to Hyper-Real Science, by Roberto Paura
Moralizing High Gods in the Digital Era, by Tamįs Nyirkos
Spirituality in Nursing: a Concept Analysis, by Carla Murgia
Archeosofia, scuola archesofica, associazione archeosofica, la libertą religiosa e l'unitą delle religioni, by Francesco Cresti
Tommaso Palamidessi. Cenni biografici e opere del fondatore dell'archeosofia, by Gina Lullo
La metafisica sperimantale di Tommaso Palamidessi, ovvero la pratica spirituale, by Daniele Corradetti
Un gesuita sul soglio di Pietro. La chiesa di Francesco e la sfida della rete, by Fabio Tarzia and Emiliano Ilardi
Mary Baker Eddy Goes to the Moon: The Century 21 Expo, Apollo 14, and The Christian Science Monitor Microfilm, by Cindy Peyser Safronoff
Following the Charisma. Understanding Charisma Through Followers (.pdf version of the PowerPoint and text only version), by George D. Chryssides