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![]() Regione Siciliana Assessorato dei Beni Culturali ed Ambientali e della Pubblica Istruzione |
7 p.m. Welcome Cocktail and Greetings / Cocktail di benvenuto e saluto delle autorità
9 p.m. Session 1 (Plenary) / Sessione 1 (Plenaria): Identity and Future of Religious Controversy / Identità e futuro del dibattito religioso
Chair: J. Gordon MELTON
Massimo INTROVIGNE (CESNUR, Torino): “Beyond The Da Vinci Code: History and Myth of the Priory of Sion”
Michael HOMER (Utah State Historical Society, Salt Lake City): “‘Assisting the Trier of Fact’: The Rules of Evidence Concerning Expert Witnesses in American Jurisprudence and the Cases about Religious Movements”
Jean-François MAYER (University of Fribourg): “Hizb-Ut-Tahrir: An Islamic Political Movement in the West”
10 a.m. Session 2 (Plenary) / Sessione 2 (Plenaria)
Chair: Reender KRANENBORG
Assessore Regionale dei Beni Culturali ed Ambientali e della Pubblica Istruzione / Secretary of State for Culture and Education On. Prof. Alessandro PAGANO “Identità e futuro dei valori religiosi in Sicilia” (Greetings in Italian, with English translation)
Death, Evil, and Religious Movements / I movimenti religiosi di fronte alla morte e al male
George CHRYSSIDES (University of Wolverhampton): “Sources of Doctrine in the Solar Temple”
J. Gordon MELTON (ISAR, Santa Barbara): “Death and the New Religious Movements”
Susan PALMER (Dawson College, Montréal): “Death and Dying in New Religions”
Afe ADOGAME (University of Bayreuth): “Dealing With Local Satanic Technology: Deliverance Rhetoric in the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries”
12.30 p.m. Lunch / Pranzo
2 - 4 p.m. Concurrent Sessions / Sessioni concomitanti
Session 3 / Sessione 3 Islam, the Mediterranean Region and the West between Dialogue and Conflict / Occidente, Islam e Mediterraneo fra dialogo e conflitto
Chair: Jean-François MAYER
Jeffrey KENNEY (DePauw University): “Public Religion and Public Life in Egypt”
A.O. SHURIYE (International Islamic University, Malaysia): “Islamic Views on Bioengineering Issues, Abortion, and Euthanasia”
Maria ALVANOU (Università di Trento): “Islamic Incitement and Palestinian Female Suicide Terrorism”
Baqer Talebi DARABI (Center for Religious Studies, Qom): “Potential Scope for Interfaith Accommodation in Shi’ism”
Session 4 / Sessione 4 Identity and Future of Local and/or Global Movements / Identità e futuro di movimenti locali e/o globali
Chair: Constance A. JONES
Maria De Lourdes ALCANTARA (University of Sao Paulo): “Fragmentation of the Religion and Construction of New Narratives: The Guarani Religious Narrative of the Reserve of Dourados”
M.A. BRIGHTMAN (University of Cambridge): “Transnational Evangelism and Social Hierarchy: The Political Use of Religion in the Guianas”
Liselotte FRISK (Högskolan Dalarna University): “Is New Age a Construction? Popular Religiosity in the Light of Globalization Theories”
Frederic LAMOND (Consultant and Lecturer): "Varieties of Neo-Paganism"
Bill PITTS (Baylor University): "Davidians, Branch Davidians, and Globalization"
Session 5 / Sessione 5 Satanism: Fact vs. Fiction / Leggende urbane e realtà del satanismo
Chair: James BEVERLEY
Rafal SMOCZYNSKI (Polish Academy of Sciences): “The Role of Fantasy in the Ritual Abuse Scare”
Kennet GRANHOLM (Abo Akademi University): “Symbolic Death in the Left Hand Path”
Reender KRANENBORG (Free University of Amsterdam): “The Evil of Satanism”
Sessione 6 / Session 6 Forme di spiritualità nella società secolare / Spirituality in a Secular Society (in Italian)
Chair: PierLuigi ZOCCATELLI
Luigi BERZANO (Università di Torino): “Spiritualità giovanili tra identità e identificazione”
Giuseppe GIORDAN (Università della Valle d’Aosta): “Verso una sociologia della spiritualità?”
Carlo GENOVA (Università di Torino): “Forme di militanza nell’associazionismo religioso giovanile”
Nicola PANNOFINO (Università di Torino): "Secolarizzazione versus conversione religiosa?"
4 p.m. Coffee Break
4.30 - 6.30 p.m. Concurrent Sessions / Sessioni concomitanti
Session 7 / Sessione 7 Scientology Revisited / Scientology: un riesame
Chair: J. Gordon MELTON
James BEVERLEY (Tyndale Seminary, Toronto): “Curbing Vicious Circles in the Scientology Wars”
Régis DERICQUEBOURG (University of Lille): “Religious Rituals in the Church of Scientology: Are They Really Important?”
Respondents: Martin WEIGHTMAN and Raffaella DI MARZIO
Session 8 / Sessione 8 Identity and Future of Esoteric Movements / Identità e futuro dei movimenti esoterici
Chair: Liselotte FRISK
Milda ALISAUSKIENE (Vytautas Magnus University, Riga): “The Revival of Occultism in Lithuanian Society”
Sylvain IMBS (Meudon, France): “Western Esotericism at 21st Century: Spiritual Filiation or Doctrinal Conflicts?”
PierLuigi ZOCCATELLI (CESNUR, Torino): “G.I. Gurdjieff and his Grandson in Kurliyun”
Dorota HALL (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw): “The New Age in Poland: Lines of Conflict”
Session 9 / Sessione 9 Identity and Future of Chinese and Japanese Movements / Identità e futuro di movimenti cinesi e giapponesi
Chair: Giuseppe GIORDAN
Carlo BARONE (University of Milan Bicocca, Italy): “The Expansion of the Soka Gakkai in Italy: Analysis of a Success-Story”
Michiaki OKUYAMA (Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, Nagoya): “Religious Freedom for Japanese Politicians? East Asian Religious Contention Surrounding Yasukuni Shrine”
David OWNBY (Montréal University): “Qigong, Falun Gong and the Future of Religion in China”
8 p.m. Banquet / Cena di gala
La Montagnola, Contrada Carrubella, Borgetto (PA)
Michele VILARDO (Partinico), “When Sicily (Almost) Became a U.S. State: Sicilian Separatism and the Church, 1945-1955” / “Quando la Sicilia stava per diventare uno Stato degli Stati Uniti: il separatismo siciliano e la Chiesa, 1945-1955” (English / Italian)
9 - 11 a.m. Concurrent Sessions / Sessioni concomitanti
Session 10 / Sessione 10 Pluralism within Islam in Malaysia and Elsewhere / Pluralismo all’interno dell’Islam in Malaysia e altri paesi
Chair: A. O. SHURIYE
Mohammad YUSOFF (Putra University of Malaysia): “Religious Issues and Party Politics: The Case of Two Muslim Based Political Parties in Malaysia”
Mohd. Noor YAZID (University of Malaysia, Sabah): “The September 11 and Islamic Movement in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Studies Among the Majority and Minority Muslim Countries”
Zakariyya ABDEL-HADY (Abu Dhabi University): "Why do Muslims Fear Globalization?"
Session 11 / Sessione 11 Alcune prospettive italiane / Some Italian Perspectives (in Italian)
Chair: Luigi BERZANO
Raffaella DI MARZIO (Pontificia Facoltà di Scienze dell’Educazione “Auxilium”, Roma): “La psicologia sociale dei gruppi religiosi”
Luigi MASSARA (Palermo): “Brevi considerazioni sulle frontiere sociopolitiche e religiose Conseguenze della immigrazione in Occidente”
Andrea MOLLE (Università di Milano): “L’insegnamento divino della gradualità alla base della politica di espansione di Sukyo Mahikari in Italia: un’interpretazione socio-antropologica”
Alessandro AMICARELLI (Università di Urbino): "La questione del velo islamico in Francia, Gran Bretagna, Turchia e Uzbekistan: osservazioni giuridiche"
Antonio MUSARRA (stagista, Università di Firenze): "Esoterismo e cultura di massa: il caso Luther Blisset"
Session 12 / Sessione 12 Historical Figures, Identity and Values / Figure, identità, valori
Zane ALTMAN (Graduate Student, University of Colorado, Boulder): "Location, Location: New Religious Movements as a Cultural Product"
Edgar J. BAUER (Heidelberg, Germany): “Pier Paolo Pasolini: Revelation, Revolution and the Symbol of the Desert”
Jane WILLIAMS-HOGAN (Bryn Athyn College): “Swedenborgians: Common Confession, Conflicting Views of the Path to Peace”
11 a.m. Coffee break
11.15 a.m. - 1.15 p.m. Concurrent Sessions / Sessioni concomitanti
Session 13 / Sessione 13 Certains Problèmes en France et en Francophonie / Alcuni problemi in Francia e nei paesi francofoni (in French)
Jean-Jacques GABUT (Lyon, France): “Les rapports entre l’Eglise catholique et la franc-maçonnerie en France, des origines à nos jours”
Etanislas NGODI (Marien Ngouabi University, Congo): “Foisonnement religieux et crise urbaine au Congo Barazzaville”
Discussant : Sylvain IMBS
Session 14 / Sessione 14 Identity and Future of Religious Pluralism within the Globalization Context / Identità e futuro del pluralismo religioso nella globalizzazione
Chair: George CHRYSSIDES
Aleksandra Kanalec IVANCIC (Koper, Slovenia): “Alternative Religions Through the Mirror of Personal Law”
Petia GENKOVA PETROVA (University of Passau, Germany): “Is the Globalization Another Way to the Dominance of Individualism? A Cross-cultural Study (Germany, France, Bulgaria, China)”
Pietro DE MARCO (Università di Firenze): “Law, Politics, and Fundamentalism in Italy: From the Concordat of 1929 to the Contemporary Democratic State- (Nation-) Building ”
John B. BROWN, II (Social educator, Tucson, Arizona): "Jehovah's Whiteness and the Anticult Movement: A Human Rights Perspective"
Session 15 / Sessione 15 Religion, Violence and Geo-Politics / Religione, violenza e geopolitica
Chair: Mark SEDGWICK
Daniela-Emanuela DANACICA (Constantin Brancusi University of Tg-Jiu): “The Religious Phenomenon and Contemporary Geopolitics"
John WALLISS (Liverpool Hope University College): “Millenarianism and Violence: Towards a Critique of the ‘Cultural Opposition’ Model”
Ines GABEL (The Open University, Israel): “The National Religious Movement in Israel: The (Unsuccessful) Attempt to Integrate a Religious Lifestyle into the Secular State”
Irene BRIONES (Complutense University of Madrid): “Problems of Religious Pluralism in China and Pakistan”
Session 16 / Sessione 16 Some Esoteric Groups in Sicily and the Baltic Countries / L’esoterismo in Sicilia e nei Paesi Baltici
Chair: PierLuigi ZOCCATELLI
Martin P. STARR (Chicago, Illinois): “Thelema in Sicily: A Portrait in Black and White”
Nikandrs GILLS (University of Latvia): “Last Testament’s Church: History, Current Situation and the Outlook Experience in Latvia”
Pietro SAJA (Cefalù, Italy): “Aleister Crowley, pittore e scalatore” (in Italian)
Session 17 / Sessione 17 Issues in Mormonism / Problemi del Mormonismo
Chair: Susan PALMER
Timothy MILLER (University of Kansas): “Social Roots of the Mormon United Order"
Will BAGLEY (Salt Lake City, Utah): “The Press in Utah: A Critical View”
James BEVERLEY (Tyndale Seminary, Toronto): “The New Mormon-Evangelical Dialogue”
Discussant: Michael HOMER
1.30 p.m Business Lunch / Pranzo
2.30 - 7 p.m. Escursione di studio: alla scoperta del patrimonio culturale e religioso siciliano (Visite guidate a Palermo e Monreale) / Field trip: Discovering Cultural and Religious Treasures of Sicily (Tour of Palermo and Monreale with English-speaking guide)
7.45 p.m. Dinner / Cena
9 p.m. Sessione 18 (Plenaria) / Session 18 (Plenary) Il pluralismo religioso in Sicilia tra identità e futuro: lo stato della ricerca / Religious Pluralism in Sicily: Identity and Future (in Italian)
Chair: Massimo INTROVIGNE
Panel: S.E. Mons. Cataldo NARO (Arcivescovo di Monreale), Luigi BERZANO (Università di Torino), PierLuigi ZOCCATELLI (CESNUR)
9.30 - 11.30 a.m. Concurrent Sessions / Sessioni concomitanti
Session 19 / Sessione 19 Issues in Studying Religious Movements in Western and Eastern Europe / Lo studio dei movimenti religiosi e i suoi problemi nell’Europa dell’Est e dell’Ovest
Julia S. KOVALCHUK (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Novosibirsk): “Contemporary Religious Situation in South Siberia: New Developments and Change of the Traditional Religious-Ethnic Patterns”
Sébastien GREGOV (French University Nanterre, Paris): “The Relationship Between the CESNUR and the Golden Rosy Cross: Operation or Cooperation?”
John Paul HEALY (The University of New South Wales, Sydney): “Beginning to Comprehend the Lie of the Land in Researching New Religious Movements”
Session 20 / Sessione 20 Identity and Future of Mormonism in Italy / Identità e futuro del Mormonismo in Italia
Chair: Michael W. HOMER
James A. TORONTO (Brigham Young University): “Joseph Toronto, First Italian Convert to Mormonism”
Eric DURSTELLER (Brigham Young University): “Mormons in Italy, 1867-1965”
James A. TORONTO (Brigham Young University): “The Second Italian Mission, 1965-Present”
Discussant: Mario DePILLIS (University of Massachusetts)
Session 21 / Sessione 21 Identity and Future in Movements Originating from India / Identità e futuro nei movimenti di origine indiana
Chair: Nikandrs GILLS
Boris FALIKOV (Russian State University of Humanities, Moscow): “ISKCON in Russia: Kirtanas Amidst Cultural Change”
Constance A. JONES (California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco): “Expanding the Definition of New Religious Movements: Hindu Movements as Examples of Ethnic Churches”
Mark SEDGWICK (American University in Cairo): “New Religious Movements, Religious Plurality, and the Bengal Renaissance”
11.30 a.m. Coffee Break
12 noon Conferenza stampa conclusiva / Press Conference
Assessore Regionale dei Beni Culturali ed Ambientali e della Pubblica Istruzione / Secretary of State for Culture and Education On. Prof. Alessandro PAGANO - Massimo INTROVIGNE (CESNUR) - J. Gordon MELTON (ISAR, Santa Barbara)
1 p.m. Final Lunch / Pranzo conclusivo