Members of the Orientation Council of MIVILUDES, the new governmental anti-cult Mission replacing MILS, have now been appointed. The list does not offer any surprise: it includes the usual suspects of the anti-cult movement (with the notable exception of psychiatrist and brainwashing theorist Dr Jean-Marie Abgrall), and a few minor league scholars already well-known as willing to offer to the anti-cultists a shadow of scholarly caution. Although some new religious movements have expressed disappointment, it would have been difficult to imagine a complete break with the previous MILS and the anti-cult milieu, particularly within the present French political climate, where anti-Americanism is rampant and many media repeat that the anti-cult and the anti-American fight are one and the same. MIVILUDES's reduced budget would probably still guarantee that the new Mission will not do as much damage as MILS did.
The list follows:
Eight deputies and local town councillors
Mrs Martine DAVID (deputy of the Rhône)
Mr Georges FENECH (deputy of the Rhône)
Mr Alain GEST (deputy of the Somme)
Mr Nicolas ABOUT (senator of the Yvelines)
Mr Jean-Jacques HYEST (senator of Seine-et-Marne)
Mr Serge LAGAUCHE (senator of Val de Marne)
Mr Jean-Pierre BRARD (representative of the Association of Mayors of France)
Mr. Eric DOLIGE (representative of the Assembly of Departments of France)
Representatives of associations
Mr Bernard LE HERITTE, president of the UNADFI
Mr Daniel GROSCOLAS, president of the CCMM
Mr Christian JANET, president of the PEEP
Mrs Isabelle JALABERT, administrator of FCPE
Mr Eric RAFFIN, president of the UNAPEL
Mr Serge GIROUY, president of the UNAAPE
Mr Jean-Jacques ANDRIEUX, director general of the UNASE
Mrs Chantal LEBATARD, administrator of the UNAF
Mrs Claude AZEMA, member of the Economic and Social Council
Mr Michel BART, prefect
Mr Dominique BORNE, general inspector at the National Education
Mr Guillaume CAZELLES, attorney
Mr Michel ESTABLIER, businessman
Mr Daniel GRUNWALD, secretary general of the National Association of Doctors
Mr Dominique LATOURNERIE, state adviser
Mrs Nathalie LUCA, anthropologist
Mr Michel MESLIN, historian of religions
Mr Michel MONROY, psychiatrist
Mr Jean-Pierre MORIN, general of the gendarmerie
Mr Tobie NATHAN, professor of psychology
Mr Philippe-Jean PARQUET, professor
Mrs Dominique TERRE, sociologist