The Medical School of Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 offers a course in Victimology in Connection with Cultic Damages. The course will offer a study of how cults control victims and how professionals can assist them (the victims, that is, not the cults). Students will receive from 108 to 130 hours of education from October 2002 to June 2003. The basic 90 hours will be: 54 taught by European experts on cults (no names are named), 18 by members of the governments anti-cult mission (MILS) and anti-cult organizations, 18 by former members (victims) of cults (sectes). Doctors, lawyers, judges, psychologists and other professionals with at least three years of experience may attend the courses. Nurses and teachers can also attend, but without receiving an academic diploma. Information may be obtained by contacting the following address: Secrétariat du Pr. Liliane Daligand, médecine légale, Faculté de médecine Rockefeller, 8 Av. Rockefeller, 69 008 Lyon, France, Tél. 04 78 78 56 12, Fax : 04 78 78 56 16 ; or MM. Sonya and Jean-Pierre Jougla at
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