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Letter from Castle DraculaThe newsbullettin of The Transylvanian Society of DraculaApril 2002 |
The Ministry of Tourism has recently announced that it gathered 3.3 million US$ which is 69% of the stocks offered for sale. The works for the Dracula-park near mediaeval Sighisoara, Transylvania, Romania, will start in cca 6 weeks. Right now, archaeological research scans the area targeted for the first constructions. (It is already known that a Romanian castrum and two Dacian-Roman settlements are at the foot of the Breite tableland site of the park, along two cemeteries, of 100 and 200 graves, post-Roman, to one side of the tableland away from the area covered by the park).
Two new voices joined the contesters of the utility of a Dracula-park in Romania: Prof. Corneliu Bucur, reputed folklorist, director of the ethnographic museum of Sibiu, who said the tourism policy of Romania should not be governed by the Dracula park, but by the Romanian landscape and culture; the second voice belongs to His High Holiness Bartolomeu Anania, archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj: The Dracula park has no cultural motivation. Our mythology and folklore do not know of vampires, we have other supernatural categories. Dracula is an import and I see no reason to adopt him and turn him into a national heraldry. Not everything should come to money, and I hope this Dracula park project will never take wings (from Romania Libera, April 4).
The architect of the Park, Dan Covali, believes that much of the opposition to the project, coming from the direction of the British press, has to do with last years announcements about a Scottish Dracula-land, under elaboration.
This is the title under which the daily "Ziua" of April 4 reminds the Romanians of the existence of Ottomar Rodolphe Vlad Dracula Prinz Kretzulesco, 62, living in the village of Schenkendorf (Brandenburg).
Calling himself a descendant of Vlad Tepes-Dracula via the Kretzulesco princely family, ORVDPK created a "principality" around the village, with its own passports, license-plates, flag, anthem. The Brandenbourg authorities called it "an amusing event" and did not object to the idea.
Ottomar Berbig had a second-hand book-shop in Berlin. One day, an 80-year old princess Kretzulesco stepped inside to look for rare books, and ever since the two because inseparable. On her deathbed, the princess rewarded Ottomar Berbigs various services with a title: Ottomar - Prince Kretzulesco.
The "Kretzulesco Foundation" in Bucuresti was invited by the TSD to comment on Ottomars title, obtained in obscure ways: TSD received a strong denial (plus a long stream of curses) that Ottomar owns such a title.
Then TSD asked Dr. Constantin Rezachevici, chief researcher with the Institute of History "Nicolae Iorga", to run a check of the alleged affiliation between the Kretzulesco and the Dracula families - with the Institute of Genealogy of the Romanian Academy (of which Dr. Rezachevici is a member): negative. There was no connections between the two families.
In the meantime, the village of Schenkendorf enjoys prosperity as a result of the presence of a "Dracula Schloss" and of its owners ideas: "Everything we can imagine does exist" (Plato).
England U.S.A.
(May 10-12, 2002, Sinaia, Romania)
Friday, May 10
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Silviu Angelescu (Romania)
8.00-10.00 - hotel "Caraiman", Sinaia: accreditation
10.00 - Conference room, 3-rd floor, hotel "Caraiman"
Opening of the Colloquium
Nicolae Paduraru, TSD president, Romania
10.30 - "The Triumph of the Beyond: Vampires and Magic in Comics from Dracula to Harry Potter"
11:30 - "The Challenge of the Virtual Worlds"
12.30 - 14.30 - lunch
14.30 - "Vampires from Outer Space: an Exploration of Common Ground shared by Vampires and Extraterrestrials concerning Death and Immortality"
16.00 - "The Effects of Sociopolitical Culture on the Literary Vampire, 1950 - Present"
17-17.30 - coffee break
17.30 - "Ghosts in the British Theatre"
18.30 - "The Ghost in the Romanian Literature"
Saturday, May 11
Moderator: Prof. Elizabeth Miller (Canada)
9.00 - "Bridges to Beyond: the Works of Mircea Eliade and Ioan Petru Culianu"
10.00 - "The Postfeminist Vampire: a Heroine for the XXI-st Century Woman"
11.00-11.30 - coffee break
11.30 -12.30 - "Relationship patterns between the Soul and Beyond"
12.30 - 14.00 - lunch
14.00-16.00 - visit the royal palace of Peles in Sinaia (optional)
16.00 - "Extrasensorial Powers at Work" (with demonstrations)
17.00 - "Returning from the Beyond in the English Renaissance: Transformations of Ghost Belief in the Late Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Britain, some Conclusions and Hypotheses"
18.00-18.30 - coffee break
18.30 - "Music from Beyond the Grave"
19.30 - "Intimations of Immortality: Vlad Tepes, Vampires and Count Dracula"
Sunday, May 12
Moderator: Prof. Sabina Ispas (Romania)
9.00 - "A Gate to Beyond: Spiritism with B.P.Hasdeu"
9.45 - "The Energies Around Us"
10.30-11 - coffee break
11.00-12.00 - "Britains first Ghost Hunters: Shamanism in Ancient British cultures"
12.00 - 13.30 - lunch
13.30-15.30 - visit "George Enescu" Memorial House and Museum in Sinaia (optional)
15.30 - "Electronic Voice Phenomenon and Transcommunications"
16.30 - "The Curse has not passed away: the fear of women and desire in Dracula by Bram Stoker"
17.30 - 18.00 - coffee break
18.00 - "An Alter-ego of Moody: a Romanian Little Girl"
Extra-colloquium events
The Royal Palace of Peles
The Memorial House "George Enescu" (the most renowned Romanian composer)
Sponsors of the Colloquium
April 30, 2002