The planning committee for
the 2011 meeting of the Center for Studies on New Religions welcomes
proposals for papers and panels for its meeting at Aletheia University,
to be held June 21-23, 2011. This meeting will occur on the 500 anniversary
of the birth of Michael Servetus. Aletheia University is a prominent
Taiwan institution of Higher Learning founded by Presbyterian missionary
George Mackay. It is located in what has become a popular seaside resort
community overlooking the Taiwan Straits.
As always, attendees will be
exploring a spectrum of related topics that include but are not limited
Religious Freedom and the Emergence of New Religions in a Global Perspective
Religious Pluralism in Eastern and Southeast Asia, Oceania, Europe, the Americas
Western Esotericism
Asian Religions in the West
The Islamic Experience in Southeast Asia, Europe, the Americas, Oceania, and the Emergence of New Spiritual Movements
New New Religions (formed since 1995)
Asian Indigenous Christianity
Michael Servetus and Religious Dissent
NRMs in Taiwan:
Old and New
Special Add-On: Especially
for those who have not had the opportunity to visit Taiwan before, CESNUR
2011 will offer a three-day post-conference tour of the island that
will visit some of both the country’s religious landmarks and the
headquarters of several of the more prominent new religions. Leading
the tour with be several local scholars knowledgeable of the island’s
unique history.
Proposals for papers and sessions, including short abstracts of all papers and a short CV of all participants, should be sent to CESNUR at on or before January 31, 2011. All sessions will be in English. Unfortunately, no scholarships will be available to cover your travel and accommodation expenses.