The 2007 International Conference
June 7-9, 2007
Bordeaux, France
This international conference will be an opportunity for scholars and others from around the world to share their insights about the perceptions, reactions, conflict, change, and adaptations of individuals, religions and secular institutions to globalization, immigration, and to the growing diversity to be found in many countries.
A field trip combining religiously significant locations and the famous Bordeaux wine châteaux, and including a banquet, will be arranged.
It is hoped that speakers will come from a broad range of disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, social psychology, history of religion, law, religious studies and theology.
Themes may include:
Religion and immigration
Globalization of religious networks
Religious movements (old and new) and change in international perspective
Internationalization of Western esotericism: West, East and what about Middle East?
Abstracts of between 100 and 200 words and a short c.v. (mandatory) should be sent before January 10, 2007 to CESNUR, Via Confienza 19, 10121 Torino, Italy, preferably by E-mail at Papers must be written and presented either in English or in French. Participants whose papers will be accepted in the preliminary programme will be requested to register and pay the registration fees before being confirmed as part of the final programme. Unfortunately, no scholarships will be available to cover participants' travel and accommodation expenses.